Daniel Skoog

Daniel Skoog

1766 Reputation

22 Badges

14 years, 21 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Daniel Skoog

Just tested and this bug has been fixed in 16.02 & 17.00.

Just tested in Maple 17 and it appears that this bug is fixed.

@Christopher2222 : There are also several new applications available in the Application Centre that showcase some of the new Signal Processing functionalities.

This was passed along to our developers a few days ago and is under investigation.  We will post any findings as soon as possible.

We added a SCR for this on your behalf.

@itsme : It looks like this is still under investigation. I will try to raise the priority in the developers queue.

@itsme : It looks like this is still under investigation. I will try to raise the priority in the developers queue.

@Alejandro Jakubi Hmm. This would in theory get past the larger iroot/overflow issue and provide a workaround for users that do not wish to upgrade. It really isn't an ideal solution, but if it works and the users don't mind the issues with running in a VM, great.

No matter what, the consistent network naming scheme of the later RH releases will need to be addressed in Flexera's license manager as well, but I wouldn't hold our breath as they have gone end of life with a lot of their software and most developers that I've talked to are not in favour of the new naming scheme.  That's an entirely different cup of tea though...

@Alejandro Jakubi Hmm. This would in theory get past the larger iroot/overflow issue and provide a workaround for users that do not wish to upgrade. It really isn't an ideal solution, but if it works and the users don't mind the issues with running in a VM, great.

No matter what, the consistent network naming scheme of the later RH releases will need to be addressed in Flexera's license manager as well, but I wouldn't hold our breath as they have gone end of life with a lot of their software and most developers that I've talked to are not in favour of the new naming scheme.  That's an entirely different cup of tea though...

@PatrickT Thanks for drawing our attention to those pages.  Sorry that we missed catching those.  From time to time that does happen, so when there is no response on a page, we definitely appreciate any bug reports being sent directly to us at  http://www.mapleprimes.com/scr/new or through support@maplesoft.com

I was able to verify your findings. I did also test this with plotsetup(jpg, .. ), but it seems to be limited to png.  We will submit this to our developers as a bug.


Could you please either post a copy of your simulation or send a copy to Maplesoft Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com for further investigation? Please quote Mapleprimes Simulation question in your email to support.


Maplesoft Technical Support

@erik10: Thanks again for submitting this and for your follow up comments. We take these issues serious and this has now been escalated to our developers for further investigation. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a timeframe for a resolution at this point.

In the future, I definitely encourage you (or any other user) to submit any issues directly to us through our Technical Support (support@maplesoft.com) or through our software change form, found here: http://www.mapleprimes.com/scr/new.  Technical Support is also usually a good place to start should you want to check up on the status of any pending requests.



The original post should have actually stated that the problem was in "logb", as called by the Maple function "hflogb".  The particular Maple library that has the logb issue is "libm.so".

Please do note that this issue has been resolved in Maple 16 and there is a patch available for Maple 15. Also keep in mind that any 'hack' may not resolve all of the issues with using older versions of Maple in unsupported OS's. 


The original post should have actually stated that the problem was in "logb", as called by the Maple function "hflogb".  The particular Maple library that has the logb issue is "libm.so".

Please do note that this issue has been resolved in Maple 16 and there is a patch available for Maple 15. Also keep in mind that any 'hack' may not resolve all of the issues with using older versions of Maple in unsupported OS's. 


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