
15 Reputation

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2 years, 182 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Deeshani

I want to take v_{r} , v_{theta}, and v_{pi} common out of this expression and I want to simplify in a more simplify way. The maple sheet is attached


G[ti] := -(v[r]*`cosθ`*`cosφ`+v[r]*`cosθ`*`sinφ`+v[r]*`sinθ`)*rho*(-c^2+(1-A)*(v[r]^2+v[theta]^2+v[phi]^2-(v[r]*`cosθ`*`cosφ`)^2-(v[r]*`cosθ`*`sinφ`)^2-(v[r]*`sinθ`)^2))/(A*c^3)

solve((∂(-    ∇(f) ))/(∂ t)+((DotProduct(v[0],∇f))*(1-e(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+(c[s0]^(2)*rho[1])/(rho[0])(1-e(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+e(CrossProduct(∇ f,B))*Omega-e((DotProduct(-∇f,Omega))*(DotProduct(B,∇)))*(-∇f)+e(E)*(1-(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+e^(2)(DotProduct(E,B))*Omega-e*((CrossProduct(E,Omega))*(∇(-∇f)),rho[1]); This is the maple worksheet The regions are u<=-1, -1<=u<=1,u>=1

how to plot multivalued function in the region from  -a to a solving 2nd order ode in maple ?

d^x/du^2+1/2sech^2(u)*x(u)=0  . I have to find out the analytical value in three different regions like u<=-a , -a<=u<=a , u>=a . How to find out ?

This is the maple worksheet

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