
35 Reputation

5 Badges

5 years, 302 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by DoingMath2018



Whoever designed Maple's user-interface thinks very differently from me. How can I insert a 2nd section into Chapter 1? There's no space between the end of Section 1 and the end of Chapter 1 for me to put the cursor, so where should I put the cursor, and what should I do?

What do I need to do to the "2 + 3" in the attached Document in order to make it evaluate? I know about F5 to switch between Text and Math modes, but that's not enough to get me where I want to be. The "2 + 3" is already in Math mode, but that's not enough to get it to evaluate.

The Document:

How to turn the "a" into a number before it gets plotted? Here's how not to do it:


eval(plot(x, x = 0 .. a), a = 3);
Error, (in plot) expecting a real constant as range endpoint but received a
subs(plot(x, x = 0 .. a), a = 3);
Error, (in plot) expecting a real constant as range endpoint but received a


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