Don Ritchie

53 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 14 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Don Ritchie

That really helped tremenduously. I'd never have found the allvalue command by myself. Don Ritchie
I suspect that solve is working o.k., but I'm just not up to speed on Maple's input/output rules and formats. I uploaded a file where solve gives an empty blank answer:
I suspect that solve is working o.k., but I'm just not up to speed on Maple's input/output rules and formats. I uploaded a file where solve gives an empty blank answer:
O.K., I can see the a=RootOf(...) part of that, but how do I translate the theta= part? Also, if I try solve({eq1,eq2},[a,tan(theta)]); Maple (Windows version) just returns an empty bracket. I'm relatively new to Maple and am using V10.05. The output appearing to be based on elimination of x was obtained when I used solve({eq1,eq2}). Sorry about that.
O.K., I can see the a=RootOf(...) part of that, but how do I translate the theta= part? Also, if I try solve({eq1,eq2},[a,tan(theta)]); Maple (Windows version) just returns an empty bracket. I'm relatively new to Maple and am using V10.05. The output appearing to be based on elimination of x was obtained when I used solve({eq1,eq2}). Sorry about that.
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