Don Ritchie

53 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 355 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Don Ritchie

I had used simplify with the LegendreP.

Your method for the SphericalY conversion looks a little simpler than the other suggestion in this thread. I'll give it a try.

Thanks for your help.


I had used simplify with the LegendreP.

Your method for the SphericalY conversion looks a little simpler than the other suggestion in this thread. I'll give it a try.

Thanks for your help.


I'll give it a try.

Thanks for your help.


I'll give it a try.

Thanks for your help.


I'd just like to get the worksheet output to look a little more 'conventional' .... to a Chemist. That is, I'd like, for example, the output for SphericalY(1,1,phi,theta) to show as a constant times sin(theta).exp(I.phi).

I've tried simplify(testp,trig) without success.


I'd just like to get the worksheet output to look a little more 'conventional' .... to a Chemist. That is, I'd like, for example, the output for SphericalY(1,1,phi,theta) to show as a constant times sin(theta).exp(I.phi).

I've tried simplify(testp,trig) without success.


Both of your last two suggestions, elementary and arctrig, worked to give me what I expected the function to give ... as, for example, LegendreP does without the convert.

Now, is there any way to get Maple to recognise that sqrt(cos(theta)-1)sqrt(cos(theta)+1)  is i.sin(theta) in the output?

Thanks for your help.


Both of your last two suggestions, elementary and arctrig, worked to give me what I expected the function to give ... as, for example, LegendreP does without the convert.

Now, is there any way to get Maple to recognise that sqrt(cos(theta)-1)sqrt(cos(theta)+1)  is i.sin(theta) in the output?

Thanks for your help.


I had gathered from the docs that hardware evaluation was somehow involved, but ran into a stone wall at that point. By the way: I suspect, but can't be sure that this is the source of the problem in trying to export the plot as a dxf. That was the subject of a question which I asked about a week ago, and which has had no responses. I have been able to export some other plots. Don Ritchie
I had gathered from the docs that hardware evaluation was somehow involved, but ran into a stone wall at that point. By the way: I suspect, but can't be sure that this is the source of the problem in trying to export the plot as a dxf. That was the subject of a question which I asked about a week ago, and which has had no responses. I have been able to export some other plots. Don Ritchie
I'll give it a try. If I have trouble .... I'll be back. EDIT* Wow !! That worked beautifully. Thanks a million. *END EDIT Don Ritchie
I'll give it a try. If I have trouble .... I'll be back. EDIT* Wow !! That worked beautifully. Thanks a million. *END EDIT Don Ritchie
Never would have thought of that !! Don Ritchie
Never would have thought of that !! Don Ritchie
That really helped tremenduously. I'd never have found the allvalue command by myself. Don Ritchie
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