
36 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 45 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Evan


Is there any way to plot complex numbers in polar form in maple 11? I have looked around the help section as well as these forums (where I found one post on the subject), but I have still not gotten any closer to it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




Does anybody know of a way to change the direction of an axis label in a plot without going back to the code and re-plotting? In the file I am working with that code has been deleted. It is possible to change the wording, font etc. of the labels, but I cannot find a way to change their directions. This becomes very annoying when I have a long label title on the y-axis, as my plot gets scrunched. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Evan
Hi, I have a modeling equation and a set of data points, and I want to compute the accuracy of my equation relative to the data points. Is there anyway to compute the R squared value of my equation relative to these data points? All of the commands I can find in Statistics are used to fit an equation to the data points, which I don't want to do, I just want to have a qualitative measurement of how accurate my equation is.
Hi, I have two questions, which should be relatively simple to solve. First of all, how do you name the axes in a plot? Second, how do you change the dimensions of a spreadsheet in maple? For example, if I wanted a 500 by 2 spreadsheet, how would I go about getting it? Right now the spreadsheet maxes out at 100 rows Thanks for your help -Evan
Hi, Does anyone know a way to modify the number of rows and columns in a spreadsheet in Maple? For example, if I wanted a 500 by 2 spreadsheet, how would I go about getting it? Right now, the spreadsheet maxes out at 100 rows. Thanks in advance for your help. -Evan
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