185 Reputation

3 Badges

18 years, 247 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by FDS

I tried the latest Maple flow upgrade (2024.2) and noticed some strange behavior. When I enter units such as L/min or m/s^2, the program states: "invalid unit(s) Units:-Simple:-*" However, to my surprise, if I start the canvas by stating with(Units) everything works as it should. In the user manual however it is stated that the with() commands do not work within Flow. If someone would be so kind to explain what I am doing wrong.

Dear Power Users, Dataframes are a powerful tool within Maple. However, when I have 'undefined' in cells "Aggregate" or "DataSummary" does not provide answers. However, when I use "Statistics:-Mean" with the additional option "ignore=true" I can get an answer for one column (see attached worksheet). Adding "ignore" to aggregate apparently does not work. What is the method for ignoring the undefined data? In Excel when a cell is blank it will be ignored. Thank you for any help given.MP_Aggregate.mw

Dear power users, I was wondering whether it is possible to import a xlsx file in such a way that the first row of the file is imported as column headers of the dataframe in Maple? Thank you in advance for any help given.

Dear Expert Users,

I am still struggling with my transition from Mathcad 15 to Maple. Would someone be so kind to look at the attached worksheet and how I can obtain the desired result? Thanks in advance. The data used in the example come from TestFleck.xlsx

QuestionPrimes.mw TestFleck.xlsx

I was working with a Dataframe when I wanted to change the datatype of multiple columns at the same time as this is quite a large dataframe. I found in the helpfile that I can change datatype by the following command: 

SubsDatatype(Data, plts, float) which then change the datatype of "plts" into float. I had hoped that using multiple columns in the command would work in this way: SubsDatatype(Data, [plts, act], float)  but apparently not. Is there a way to do this or do I have to do it column by column?

Additionally I have another question about dataframes. I would like to replace "0" in the dataframe by a "blank" as you can do in excel. How do you do this in a dataframe?

Thanks in advance for any help given!

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