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18 years, 94 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by FDS

@dharr thank you for checking. Maybe the problem might be related to the fact that Maple is 64 bit and my Excel 32 bit. Anyway, thanks for your support, highly appreciated.

@dharr @Scot Gould Thank you bot for following up. I have attached an Excel file where I did not succeed. The Excel File is Excel 2016 (32bit). Perhaps also of importance I am using an azerty keyboard but with language setting to English (US), Belgian (period).

I am very curious to see whether you encounter an issue!

Thanks for the excellent idea and support.


Dear Power Users, in the mean time I found out that 'ignore=true' does work in Maple 2024 when using DataSummary. However, I still have an issue when trying to use 'aggregate' in on dataframes containing some undefined cells. Especially as I do not want to remove those data but just ignore them. Thank you for any help offered. 

@Scot Gould @dharr @Thomas Richard ​​​​​​​First of all thank you all for the input. Maybe the reason why the method of @Thomas Richard ​​​​​​​is not working for me is the fact that you first export from maple to excel and then import it again. In my case the data were original in excel and so there might be something different. Just an assumption.

@dharr @Thomas Richard Sorry I misunderstood. This is what happens if I use your approach:

@Scot Gould Thank you for your reply and your willingness to make a request. I also would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your excellent website. Being in transgression from Mathcad to Maple, it helped me a lot. Especially your step-by-step approach is highly appreciated as it is something difficult to find.

@Thomas Richard thank you for your always useful replies. Below is how I as an apprentice do it momentarily:

@Thomas Richard  thank you for your reply. I was aware of the fact that you can use output=DataFrame, but this does not solve my issue, as the first row of the xlsx file will not automatically upgrade to a column header. For the moment I first have to isolate that row, convert it to a name and then use it as column header. I was wondering whether this could be done in a more easy way. The first row in Excel would consist out of of strings. Thanks again

@Thomas Richard  thank you for your prompt reply. I really appreciate your help, maple has so many possibilities, but I have to admit the learning curve is for me not always flat. :)

@mmcdara thank you so much!

@mmcdara in the previous example the statement M[1]-M[i-1] was used, but if I want to make an alternative approach M[i]-M[i-1] this gives the message "invalid subscript selector" How should I adapt the procedure in order to make this work.

The results in that case would be [-2.787,-8.341,-13.829]

I apologize for these probably simple questions but the approach is somewhat different to Mathcad which I used before. Anyway, thank you for your help.

@mmcdara thank you for your prompt reply and clear explanation. I appreciate all your help in this forum.

@Thomas Richard thank you so much for your swift reply. Your solution works fine. Have a nice weekend.

@acer thank you for this additional approach. I am always amazed about what is possible.

@Christopher2222 thank you for this suggestion. This certainly would help. When looking at Maple Flow it actually converts immediately to the lowest dimension, e.g. 'm' and 'cm' would give a result in 'cm' which you can adapt as desired. 

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