
10 Reputation

One Badge

11 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GaelofUnknowns

I have some data for a model in MapleSim that I would like to use a time look up table with.  I've found that the two options for interpolation are linear and 1st derivative, but the data was intended to be interpretted as piecewise constant.  Is there any way to acheive this option in MapleSim?

In MapleSim, it is possible to constrain a rigid body in a multibody system to an arbitrary constraint? 

Similarly to how a mass at the end of a simple pendulum can only move along a circle defined by the length of the pendulum, I was hoping to constrain one to a shape like an ellipse or sine wave.  I could then give it initial velocities and see how it would move along the shape over time.

I'd like to be able to define this constraint with an equation. ...

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