
83 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 345 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by HelenaRib

I want to display my plots in tabular form. So I have tried it with the display command and I wrote my plots in
an array.
The problem is, that I want to have two plots in the uppper left corner, but the display command ignores the
second plot.
Is there something wrong with my Array or is there another possibility to display plots in a tabular form??

L:=Array(1..2,1..3, fill=plot(x)):
L[1,1]:=plot(x^2), plot(x-1):

Thanks for your help.


I try to find the Maximum of the function F1 under some linear constraints with the NLP-Solve command. In the NLP-Solve command I set assume= nonnegativ and the range of the variable y[2]
is given by y[2]=[0..4.9999].
The porblem is that NLP-Solve finds the maximum at
x[2] = 6.33333333333333392, y[2] = -2.22044604925031308*10^(-16)
y[2] is nearly zero, but it is negative an so it is not in the domain of F1. How can that happen if I set  "assume=nonnegativ"

# I want to maximize the following function:

# under this constraints:
b-a >= c-d:
c-d-b+a <= (2*b-a-2*c+d)*delta:
(2*b-a-2*c+d)*delta <= 2*b-2*a-2*c+2*d:
a = x[min] .. b:
c = d .. y[max]:

# and I have the following values:
x[max] := 10:
x[min] := 0:
y[max] := 10:
y[min] := 0:
delta := 1:

# I have tried to find the maximum with NLPSolve and the option 'maximize':

I have a little problem. I have some linear unequalities and I wan't to prove if the following set is empty.
S:={(a,c) | (a-2*b-d+2*c)*delta <= d-c-a+b, a-b >= d-c, a>=0, b>=0}


I have proved it like this:
solve({(a-2*b-d+2*c)*delta <= d-c-a+b, a-b >= d-c, a>=0, b>=0}, [a,c]);                  

Hello, I am new with Maple and I am searching a function for the following problem:

I have a vector,
the maximum of this vector is 8, but I want to know  where the maximum ist. Here it the third entry of the vector.
Is there a function in Maple which gives me the 'place' of the maximum (here 3)??

Thanks for your help.


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