
94 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 276 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Irving

I have three diferential equation each one is single ( there are no coupled)

I want to solve each one and compare their solution I would like to  plot solutions in a same graph. How can I do  so ?

My problem is


k:= 0.1:

I am trying to fit  this function with some data
F:= M*(  (1 -  ( 1 - a)*e^(-k*q*t)) /q)^(1/(1-q)) ;
where a:= (No/M)^(1-q). I need to know the values
of k, q and M, I do have No (initial condition)

[[13.2621 ,  0.0012],
[14.0740 ,  0.0017],
[15.4272 ,  0.0031],
[16.7803 ,  0.0063],
[18.1335 ,  0.0174],
[19.2161 ,  0.0317],
[20.5692 ,  0.0598],
[21.6518 ,  0.0821],
[23.0049 ,  0.1501],

I am primer with maple.

I have the following  nonlinear equation.

EQ:=diff(N(t),t) -kappa/(q-1)*( 1- (N(t)/K )^(q) - (1-N(t)/K)^(q))=0;

I am trying to fit the solution from  one nonlinear ode and compare with a set of experimental data. How can I  do this ?.

Thanks in advance... and  any comment will be usefull.





I'm a primer in Maple, My problem is that I want to solve this PDE system.

PDE:= [diff(u(x,t),t)= diff(v(x,t),t,t) + u(x,t) - 1/3*u(x,t)^3 -v(x,t), diff(v(x,t),t)=u(x,t)-v(x,t)];

IBC :=  {u(x, 0) = tanh(x), v(x, 0) = 0};

pds := pdsolve(PDE,IBC,[u,v],numeric);

This gives me this error.

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) initial/boundary conditions must be defined at one or two points for each independent variable.


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