58 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 297 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by JPA

Thank you to you all. Your suggestions were very helpfull, and brought me some light and new ideas to decide on the best approach to solve this system. This Forun really works well! Thanks.


Yes, it was really helpful! Thank you very much for your precious indication about the command "seq".

Now I got the result vector for any variable I wish, changing the parameter "a2" on my system.

Indeed I was doing the looping with " do" thinking it was the only way of doing loopings with Maple.

Thank you,



Yes, it was really helpful! Thank you very much for your precious indication about the command "seq".

Now I got the result vector for any variable I wish, changing the parameter "a2" on my system.

Indeed I was doing the looping with " do" thinking it was the only way of doing loopings with Maple.

Thank you,



Hello, thanks for the answer but in fact I have tried before this.

It works well for a single value of "P", but my problem is getting the n values of "P"; changing the value of "a2" from, for instance 90 to 95:

> for a2 from 90 to 95 do v2 := subs(fsolve(sys), P) end do;
Maple answer:                
v2:= -6.960404e-13
v2:= -1.002513e-12
v2:= -1.294490e-12
v2:= -1.572463e-12
v2:= -1.836902e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12

My doubt is how to create a single "v2" vector with these results of "P"   

If I use "subs" it gives me only the last result of "P", not a vector or array with the several "P" results for each value of a2 used.

for a2 from 90 to 95 do subs(solutions, P) end do

v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12

Thanks again,

Hello, thanks for the answer but in fact I have tried before this.

It works well for a single value of "P", but my problem is getting the n values of "P"; changing the value of "a2" from, for instance 90 to 95:

> for a2 from 90 to 95 do v2 := subs(fsolve(sys), P) end do;
Maple answer:                
v2:= -6.960404e-13
v2:= -1.002513e-12
v2:= -1.294490e-12
v2:= -1.572463e-12
v2:= -1.836902e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12

My doubt is how to create a single "v2" vector with these results of "P"   

If I use "subs" it gives me only the last result of "P", not a vector or array with the several "P" results for each value of a2 used.

for a2 from 90 to 95 do subs(solutions, P) end do

v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12
v2:= -2.088261e-12

Thanks again,

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