John May

Dr. John May

2616 Reputation

18 Badges

17 years, 13 days
Pasadena, California, United States

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Maple Application Center
I have been a part of the Mathematical Software Group at Maplesoft since 2007. I have a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from the University of Oregon. I have been working on research in computational mathematics since 1997. I currently work on symbolic solvers and visualization as well as other subsystems of Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by John May

I got an interesting question about integration yesterday. The question was about the integral of the rather innocuous looking function f := sqrt(1+sin(x)). The inside of the square root is always non-negative so the function is continuous (and bounded!) so it must have a continuous integral. The question I was asked, was if the following result was a bug in Maple: Int(sqrt(1+sin(x)),x) = (2*(sin(x)-1))*sqrt(1+sin(x))/cos(x) since the right-hand side is definitely not continuous at x=-Pi/2 + 2*n*Pi!
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