
41 Reputation

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18 years, 311 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by JosiahH

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm unwilling to do an assignment for a student. I'd like to help with your problem, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. A + B*I is just a number, and the functions I've posted in the past are just methods for generating numbers that meet your criteria. Newton's method requires functions to solve, not numbers. Newton's method is easily implemented in Maple, and if you need to implement it, give it a shot. If your implementation fails, post the code and I'll be happy to work through it with you. Good luck! Joe Edit: Oh, and please don't start numerous threads regarding the same problem. Bump the previous ones up if you need to.
Capital I is reserved for sqrt(-1) in Maple. Use lowercase i for indexing the sequence. Joe H
You can usually solve problems without using loops. Try this piece of code: local A, B; global X; A := seq(0.2e-1*i, i = 0 .. 100); B := seq(0.2e-1*I*j, j = -50 .. 50); X := A+B; to generate the desired values. Joe H
try: for A from 0 by 0.2e-1 to 2 do for B from -1 by 0.2e-1 to 1 do X0 := A+BI end do end do Joe Edit: Sorry! Original code was incorrect. Maple's case-sensitive.
Maple has a vast number of different functions. You usually encapsulate loops in procedures. I can't give an introduction to Maple programming in a post, but Maple comes with excellent documentation (even the student versions). Try entering ?proc for more information on Maple programming. As to your question, that loop only outputs a single, final number (2 + I). If you want to store all of the numbers, you'll probably have to index them and stick them into an array or list, which you can then plot. Hope that helps. Joe Edit: Edited to be more specific
Hello, In answer to your first question, you can view the source code of a procedure via the "showstat" command. For example, I was able to view the procedure of (Student[Calculus1][AntiderivativeTutor])() by entering showstat(Student[Calculus1][AntiderivativeTutor]). Hope this helps! Joe
Thank you for the tip, it works very well. Joe
Sorry, that last post wasn't very specific. I fiddled around with it a bit more, and here's where I'm at now: starting by defining 2 lists: list1:=[4, 5, 12, sec(32), 2*Pi*y, 45]; list2 := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; I tried this assignment: f:=x->a*x^2+b*x for i in list1 do for j in list2 do for k from 1 by 1 to 6 do f[k](x):=subs(i=a,j=b,f) od od od which printed the first entries of list1 and list2, then proceded to print f[1](x):=f through f[6](x):=f for each entry of each list (lots of output). I then tried for i in list1 do for j in list2 do for k from 1 by 1 to 6 do f[k] := i*x^2+j*x od od od The output from this was much closer to what I wanted, assigning f[1](x) through f[6](x) to every possible combination of i*x^2+j*x, but only storing the last assignment. So I was wondering if there was a way to assign the first entries i and j from list1 and list2 to the coefficients of x^2 and x, store that result as a list entry, then go on to the next value of i and j, doing the same thing. Thanks! Joe
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