
15 Reputation

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5 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Karamella

I want to write a procedure called Resistance which calculates and displays the equivalent resistance to three resistors R1, R2 and R3

If the resistances are connected in series then Rser = R1 + R2 + R3

If the resistances are connected in parallel then (R1 * R2 * R3) / (R1 * R2 + R1 * R3 + R2 * R3) and after that, I must write an algorithm which I will test this resistance but it does not work please help me

"Resistance:=proc(R1,R2,R3) local Rser,Rpar,R; if(R=Rser)then Rser:=R1+R2+R3;   elif(R=Rpar)jthen Rpar:=(R1*R2*R3)/((R1*R2+R1*R3++R2*R3));  end if;  end proc;"

Error, unable to parse

"Resistance:=proc(R1,R2,R3) local Rser,Rpar,R; if(R=Rser)then Rser:=R1+R2+R3;   elif(R=Rpar) jthen Rpar:=(R1*R2*R3)/(R1*R2+R1*R3++R2*R3);  end if;  end proc;"


R1 := readstat(entrer*la*valeur*de*R1); R2 := readstat(entret*la*valeur*de*R2); R3 := readstat(entrer*la*valeur*de*R3); Resistance(R1, R2, R3); printf("la valeur en serie est:%f", Rser); printf("la valeur parallele est:%f", Rpar)



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