
44 Reputation

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17 years, 10 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Kayla

Many thanks for this Doug. Your post has helped and I have read the help but I'm still missing something. I have a list of the following points:

[[3, 3], [5, 20], [7, 63], [9, 144], [11, 275]]

When I use interactive as you describe, I get the options as you mention. Using these I can get a simple curve through all these points which  I am happy with. However, when I then try to plot this, the resulting curve looks completely different. Trying something similar but with Spline instead of interactive just resulted in a straight line plot (y=x)

I do apologise if this is explained in the help or elsewhere on this forum; I have read the help and searched the forum!

You mentioned that I hadn't given much definite information:

I am just using this as an example - learning to walk before I run. In the end there are two other plots I'd like to be able to produce:

i. A space curve plot from a list of points (NB I have a very nice space curve plot - but would just like to learnhow to smooth it; used to plot the envelope of discrete fourier components with amplitude and phase)

ii. A 3D plot of a surface generated from an array of points (eg using Matrixplot)

Many thanks




Many thanks for this Doug. Your post has helped and I have read the help but I'm still missing something. I have a list of the following points:

[[3, 3], [5, 20], [7, 63], [9, 144], [11, 275]]

When I use interactive as you describe, I get the options as you mention. Using these I can get a simple curve through all these points which  I am happy with. However, when I then try to plot this, the resulting curve looks completely different. Trying something similar but with Spline instead of interactive just resulted in a straight line plot (y=x)

I do apologise if this is explained in the help or elsewhere on this forum; I have read the help and searched the forum!

You mentioned that I hadn't given much definite information:

I am just using this as an example - learning to walk before I run. In the end there are two other plots I'd like to be able to produce:

i. A space curve plot from a list of points (NB I have a very nice space curve plot - but would just like to learnhow to smooth it; used to plot the envelope of discrete fourier components with amplitude and phase)

ii. A 3D plot of a surface generated from an array of points (eg using Matrixplot)

Many thanks




Many thanks Robert - I think I understand this better than the solutions with the op function. In fact, I've even managed to use your method and get it to plot vertical lines for each dirac function.


Many thanks Robert - I think I understand this better than the solutions with the op function. In fact, I've even managed to use your method and get it to plot vertical lines for each dirac function.


Many thanks for this Acer

Many thanks for this Acer

As a new user I'm finding it very helpful reading through these posts and finding out answers to my questions. However, after looking at threads about the use of subscripts I am still confused.

If I type y=2*x_o ; then convert x_o to "Atomic Identifier" and solve->isolate for xo nothing happens. Mariner's post (2007-10-11 08:50) suggests that this should work (I didn't use the palette). Is it something I am doing wrong or have I misunderstood the post?

(I understand the alternative of using notation without subscripts but I am trying to make the notation used in my Maple documents match that of colleagues working in the same area)




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