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16 years, 228 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Kayla

A rather fundamental I expect but I have tried reading the help file and cannot understand it - apologies if that makes me rather dim.

I have some data points (not a function) which I would like to plot.

If I simply use plot then the points are joined by straight lines - I'd like it to be a curve. Having looked at this forum I found a post which pointed to the curvefitting help page but I've looked there, tried a few things but failed to plot anything.

I have a 2D and a 3D plot which are close together and I would like them to have a similar look. However, when I set the caption with:

caption=["whatever text I want here", font=[HELVETICA,BOLD,12]]

I get what appears to be different fonts on the two plots.

Any suggestions as to whether I am doing something wrong please?

(And does Maple not allow me to use any font I want?)

Many thanks


I have been reaading previous posts on plotting Dirac functions; in particular: Plotting the Dirac Function and How do I plot Cos(w*t) in frequency domain?

I'd welcome some advice please on how to control the points Maple uses when plotting in 2D. I have a function f(i) and I'd like it only to plot the points where i is an integer. I have tried including assuming (i::integer) but this seems to make no difference - maybe I have the syntax wrong. I have found the POINTS option but haven't worked how to use this for, eg, 100 points f(1), f(2), f(3) ....... without inputting each point separately (very tedious!) [in fact, even doing this for a few points I still cannot get it to work].

Any help very gratefully received.

I'm a very new user - apologies if this is answered elsewhere on the forum - I've tried searching but haven't found the answer.

I'm trying to evaluate something which relies on the fact that sin(nPi)=0 for integer n. How do I get Maple to do this? I have tried:

a:=m*Pi   (sorry - haven't worked out how to post actual Maple input yet)



But when I evaluate this, it just gives me sin(m*Pi); if I put in a numerical value for m then I do get zero; but I need it to recognise this is the case for any integer.

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