
20444 Reputation

26 Badges

16 years, 61 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Kitonum

I wonder if it is possible to automatically obtain the well-known  binomial theorem  for an arbitrary integer and a positive exponent  n  in Maple. The expansion  (1)  below  I want to get in Maple automatically. But all my attempts were unsuccessful:


(a+b)^n=Sum(binomial(n,k)*a^(n-k)*b^k, k=0..n);  # The binomial theorem

(a+b)^n = Sum(binomial(n, k)*a^(n-k)*b^k, k = 0 .. n)


expand((a+b)^n) assuming n::posint;
convert((a+b)^n, Sum) assuming n::posint;
convert((a+b)^n, polynom) assuming n::posint;
convert((a+b)^n, binomial) assuming n::posint;













For some unknown reason, the code below does not work in Maple 2018.1, but works in Maple 2015 and Maple 2017 (the idea is taken from here

with(plottools): with(plots):
V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8:=[0,-1,0],[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-1,1],[0,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,-1,1]:  # The vertices of the cube
Faces:=[[V1,V4,V8,V5],[V5,V6,V7,V8],[V2,V3,V7,V6],[V1,V2,V3,V4],[V3,V4,V8,V7],[V1,V2,V6,V5]]: # The list of the faces
Colors:=[green, red,RGB(1, 0, 4),blue,grey,gold]: # The list of the colors

for n from 1 to 7 do
F[n]:=t->rotate(Cube[n-1],t, [[0,n-1,0],[1,n-1,0]]):
Cube[n]:=rotate(Cube[n-1],-Pi/2, [[0,n-1,0],[1,n-1,0]]):
A[n]:=animate(display,[F[n](t)], t=0..-Pi/2,paraminfo=false);

for m from 6 to 0 by -1 do
G[m]:=t->rotate(Cube[m+1],t, [[0,m,0],[1,m,0]]):
B[m]:=animate(display,[G[m](t)], t=0..Pi/2,paraminfo=false);

C1:=display([seq(A[k], k=1..7)], insequence):
C2:=display([seq(B[k], k=6..0, -1)], insequence):
display([C1,C2], insequence, scaling=constrained, axes=normal);


How to most effectively generate all matrices from zeros and ones (matrices size 6 by 6), such that in each row and in each column exactly 4 units. This problem was encountered in solving one problem in the field of entertaining mathematics. I know how to solve it in about 100 seconds, but I so far do not give my solution so that everyone can enjoy solving it.

How to put programmatically 2 dots above the first and the last digit  as in the example?


Since the new editor for some reason I cannot upload any pictures or files from my computer.


Quite accidentally I discovered incorrect calculation of the simple definite integral:

int(1/(x^4+4), x=0..1);  


                            1/8*ln(2)-1/16*ln(5)+1/32*Pi+1/8*arctan(1/3)   # This is incorrect result


Is this a known bug?


If  first we calculate corresponding indefinite integral, and then by the formula of Newton - Leibniz, that everything is correct:

F:=int(1/(x^4+4), x):

eval(F, x=1)-eval(F, x=0);






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