
21083 Reputation

26 Badges

16 years, 197 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Kitonum

Is there some sort of analog of  option  discont=true  in  plot3d?  Can I remove these vertical cylindrical surfaces in the following example? They correspond to the zeros of the denominator:

plot3d((x^2+sin(x))/(y^2+cos(x)), x = -7 .. 7, y = -5 .. 5, view = [-7 .. 7, -6 .. 6, -1 .. 7], numpoints = 50000, scaling = constrained, axes = normal);

plots[implicitplot](y^2+cos(x), x = -7 .. 7, y = -5 .. 5, scaling = constrained, numpoints = 5000);



Is it possible to use Unicode characters in  textplot  command? In the application that I'm developing, the signs of the chess pieces should be used.

Two examples:

for i in {1, 2/0, -3, 1/4, 5} do

if i::posint then print(i)  fi;


       Error, numeric exception: division by zero


select(x->is(x::posint), {1, 2/0, -3, 1/4, 5});

       Error, numeric exception: division by zero


How to avoid interruption of the program in such cases?

My attempt:

RealDomain[solve]({x^2+y^2+z^2 = 3, x+y+z = 3}, {x,y,z});

             {x = -RootOf(_Z^2+(z-3)*_Z+z^2-3*z+3)-z+3, y = RootOf(_Z^2+(z-3)*_Z+z^2-3*z+3), z = z}


In fact, the system in the real domain has a unique solution x = 1, y = 1, z = 1. It is easy to find by hand, noting that the plane  x + y + z = 3  is tangent to the sphere  

The second graph is incorrect. The reason?

plots[polarplot]([3+cos(4*t), 2-cos(4*t)], t = 0 .. 2*Pi)

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