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9 years, 68 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Les

Thank you so much for your help!

@Preben Alsholm 

I found the form.  More button at https://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/208893-Mistake-On-Maplesoft-2015-Tools--Math-Apps- or https://www.mapleprimes.com/scr/new.  Completed form and submitted it, added your comment about version 2017.3


Thanks for reply, how do you submit SCR?


Thank you again, I don't have time to look at this right now, but I promise I will eventually get to it.



Awesome! Thank you. 

A company submits a rate increase proposal to the state utility commission.  The proposal will go to one of two commission members, either Allen or Barnes.  In the past Allen has accepted 60% of the company's proposals, while Barns has accepted 75%.  There is a 70% chance the proposal will land on Allen's desk. Determine the probability the proposal will be accepted.

Pr(a⋂s) = Pr(s|a)·Pr(a) = 

Pr(b⋂s) = Pr(s|b)·Pr(b) =

The event s (success) can occur in two mutually exclusive ways, s⋂a and s⋂b.  Therefore
Pr(s) = Pr(s⋂a) + Pr(s⋂b) =
So there is a 64.5% chance of proposal acceptance.
In the Statistics package, TreeMap is used to determine the relative strength of outcomes.  Note the success rate for Barnes is smaller than the failure rate for Allen.

See Robert Israel Comment 

"If you want a graph with different nodes having the same label, you can do something like this:"


with(Statistics): TreeMap can also be of help


Yes, seems difficult to me too.  Thought something in with(GraphTheory) might work.  You mentioned an array.  Perhaps an array could be filled with Ascii symbols to produce a tree diagram:

    ___ b ___ c  [a,b,c]
a┤___ c ___ b  [a,c,b]
    ___ a ___ c  [b,a,c]
b┤___ c ___ a  [b,c,a]
    ___ a ___ b  [c,a,b]
c┤___ b ___ a  [c.b.a]


I would like to determine proabilites of certain paths through the diagram (easy to do on sample but more difficult on more complicated patterns.  Perhaps I should start with the Statistics package.  Please let me know if you have any more suggestions, thanks!



Not exactly sure what you mean, here's a start.

>f := proc (n) n*(n-1)! end proc;
>plot(f, 1 .. 3);






>plot(f, a .. c);
Error, (in plot) expecting a real constant as range endpoint but received a

This works great too! Thanks Carl.


Thanks, might be easier to use than plottools and plots, but I'm not as familiar with the syntax that refines the original graphic, Thanks, good tip.


My 2015 version does not have the Iterator package so a "does not evaluate to module" error was shown.

The VerticcesOfCuboid procedure works fine.  I used geom3d[parallelepiped] to verfity results.  Only one drawback (of no consequence): I could only get the package to work in 1-D Math Input format.  See attached and many thanks!



Specifically, I meant move the  great circle by rotateing it through all angles over the sphere (over all longitudes and latitudes). But the information you have already given me is fantastic, and I can use both examples.  

Thank you!


The High Plains (Ogallala) Interactive Atlas is published by the Kansas Geological Survey Geohydrology Section. 1  For each survey well, the longitude and latitude (Lon/Lat), elevation, depth of well, and other information are reported.

In the atlas Lon/Lat is based on the same datum (a fixed starting point of a scale of operation) used by Google Earth. 2

JMARS (for Earth) or JEarth is a product of The Arizona State University Scientific Software Team. 3  It includes a variety of topographical layers such as elevation lines.  JEarth does not use the same datum that the Interactive Atlas and Google Earth use.  


1  http://www.kgs.ku.edu/HighPlains/HPA_Atlas/InteractiveAtlas.html

2  https://earth.google.com/web/@0,0,-24018.82718741a,36750128.22569847d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CgAoAQ

3 https://jmars.mars.asu.edu/

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thank you, but no problem including this inside a procedure procedure--correct?


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