
190 Reputation

11 Badges

9 years, 193 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Les

Problem copying a document to Maple Cloud (Public domain)

• Reset password

• Verified email is correct

• Chose File → Save to Cloud... (or clicked Send Document to Cloud on Maple Cloud palette) either way opend Login dialog

• Entered  Account = Maplesoft account, my Email and password then clicked Log in.  The following message appears: "The account type or email address or password is incorrect"

I've saved .mw files to Maple Cloud before with no problems.  Any help appreciated.

Thanks, Les

Maple 2015

Suppose you want to plot x = Rcos(omega*t) for t = 0..4Pi/omega.

Below is the sketch of the function.  Is there a way to plot the functions using Maple's plotting syntax?

plot(R*cos(omega*t), t = 0 .. 4*Pi/omega);
Error, (in plot) expecting a real constant as range endpoint but received 4*Pi/omega

I use Maple 2015, is it possible to animate a standing wave as shown below?


 A working animation can be found on https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/seiche.html

I'm trying to make a Least-Squares curve fitting plot.  I need to sequence two rows from a data file I imported (see attached worksheet GR10_20190130_PSA_TESTS.mw).  More specifically, I need to sequence the data in

X:=Row(T,1) with the data in y:=Row(T,2).  It should look like

([41115.0,6.97],[41257.0,18.9],[41270.0,15.67]...[43495.0,4.06]) when complete.  I tried seq[X_k,Y_k], that didn't work.  Also tried using an index of 1 to 25 (the number of elements in each row), that didn't work.  Any help with this appreciated, thanks in advance!


Is there a way to put the 2 following animations together and synchronize them?

Maplesoft Help has an example of how to create the animation.  See last example on

but I couldn't get it to work on my Maple version 2015.

plots[animate](plot, [[cos(t), sin(t), t = 0 .. A]], A = 0 .. 2*Pi, scaling = constrained, frames = 50)

BACK := plot(sin(x), x = 0 .. 2*Pi);
oneFrame := proc (t) options operator, arrow; pointplot([t, sin(t)], color = blue, symbol = circle, symbolsize = 18) end proc;
animate(oneFrame, [t], t = 0 .. 2*Pi, background = BACK);


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