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These are replies submitted by Les

@Carl Love 

See my reply to Acer, it was the single quotes that threw me.  Thanks so much!


@Markiyan Hirnyk 


Not sure what you mean.  Do you mean start Title with "How do I"?


The single quotes threw me, is there some rule about using single quotes with commands and plot options?  Thanks so much for your help.


I think fsolve(exp(-.5*(r/sqrt((-r^2+1)/(n-2)))^2)/(sqrt((-r^2+1)/(n-2))*sqrt(2*Pi)) = 0.25e-1, r) calculates the critical value of R.

First the null hypothesis is established: H_0 = 0 (that is, there is no
correlation) which means (in this case since the scatter plot indicates the observations are positively skewed) that the alternate hypothesis is
H_A > 0.

>Correlation(Bill, Tip, ignore) returns the calculated value, about 0.828159.

The equzation above (and graphed in ebx3.mw) returns the table value for
R given N and P. The alpha is 0.05 (which covers about 95% of all events),
but notice that P = .025 since the above equation returns a value for a
1-tailed distribution.

The decision rule is Reject H_0 if |R_calc| > |R_table|. Since .828 > .817 we reject the null hypothesis and conclude there is significant evidence to
support the claim of a correlation between bills and tips (see ebx3.mw)
Think of the 3D graph like a table in the back of a statistics book. For a
certain N and P we can find the appropriate R table value.




This looks like what I need.

Good suggestion, I'm not sure it will work for me but I'll give it a try.  What I am looking for is something like (Maple_Post_20160316_Example.mw) exported into Photoshop and then edited.  But It would be nice if I didn't have to do the editing in Photoshop.

Thanks for your help!



Wow, works great! Thanks so much!

Here is a link to worksheet.  I tried using the unwith command in several different ways but had no success.


Chapter 16 Testing, Debugging, and Efficiency of the Maple Programming Guide illustrates many tutorials using the DBG> prompt.  Although the Maple 2015 (32 bit) Classic Worksheet is a bit "clunky," when taking notes using a word processor, it seems easier to manipulate (i.e., copying and pasting program examples from Maple worksheet to a word processor).  Notice how this type of writing style is used in Chapter 16 (http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/Maple/view.aspx?path=ProgrammingGuide/Chapter16).  In my opinion, although it is easier to use (i.e. crashes less) the Interactive Maple debugger, the Classic Worksheet is a better tool when writing a tutorial or when writing notes about the Maple debugging process.  In Maple 2015 the Classic Worksheet is only available in 32-bit (separate download, but at no additional cost if you already have a Maple 2015 license).  Another advantage is Classic allows user to go back and make changes then run the debugger again.  The Interactive debugger seems to require a "start-all-over" each time I make a change to syntax.  Joe Riel http://www.mapleprimes.com/questions/207698-Help-With-Command-Line-Debugger#answer222919 suggested the EMACS Maple debugger is superior to both the Interactive and Classic debuggers.  However, he said it requires a bit of work to install, configure, and learn.  Personally, I hope Maple eventually adds a few bells and whistles to the 32-bit (e.g. larger toolbar icon setting) and offers the Classic debugger as a 64-bit Maple Classic Worksheet.


@acer  Thanks acer!

Thank you for your response.  I looked at Maple [2015.0] Help » Manuals » Programming Guide » 16 Testing, Debugging and Efficiency » Section 16.2

"You can use the command-line Maple debugger or you can use the interactive Maple debugger available in the standard interface.…While the interactive debugger has a different user interface, it otherwise functions identically to the command-line Maple debugger".

I followed the example put forth in Section 16.2 and it seemed like the statement "While the interactive debugger has a different user interface, it otherwise functions identically to the command-line Maple debugger" is in error.  However, I cannot completely confirm this because I could find no way to access the "Command-line Maple debugger." (on my computer, in 1-D Math Input the interactive  Maple debugger pops up when I set a breakpoint)


Please don't waste much time on this.  My plan is to follow the Tutorial Example in 16.2 and note the differences when using the interactive debugger in standard interface (i.e., Standard Worksheet format, which is 2-D Math Input).



Thanks Everyone!

@Carl Love 

Awesome improvement, thanks Carl!

Thank you so much for your help.  The following is what I came up with:

plots:-pointplot([seq([x, 0], x = [-sqrt(10), -(7^(1/3)),Pi/99, sqrt(2),exp(1), Pi])], view = [-5 .. 5.8, 0 .. 0.1e-4], symbolsize = 20, symbol = solidcircle, colour = blue, tickmarks = [[-sqrt(10) = typeset(-sqrt(`10`)), -(7^(1/3))= typeset (-('(7)^(1/3)')),Pi/99 = typeset('Pi/99'), sqrt(2) = typeset(sqrt('2')), 5.8 = typeset("Irrational Nos."), evalf(exp(1)) = typeset(exp(1)), evalf(Pi) = typeset(Pi)], []],scaling = constrained);


plots:-pointplot([seq([x, 0], x = [-(53/17), -(79/41), 0, (16/12),(15/7), (22/7)])], view = [-5 .. 5.1, 0 .. 0.1e-1], symbolsize = 20, symbol = solidcircle, colour = blue, tickmarks = [[-(53/17) = typeset(-(53/17)), -(79/41) = -('79/41'),0.= 0, (16/12) = typeset('16/12'),(15/7) = typeset('15/7'),(22/7) = typeset('22/7'),5.1 = typeset("Rational Nos.")], []],scaling = constrained);


Thank you all for your excelehnt help!!


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