
400 Reputation

8 Badges

17 years, 151 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Lonely

a[k] := (2/5)*a[k-1]*ln((1/10)*(exp(1))^10*x^10/a[k-1]^10)/ln(10^a[k-1]*(exp(1))^4)




solve((1+x)^(p+1) > 2^p*(x^p+x), p)


assuming 1 < x < 2


how to show

f(x) = m * log(x) / 2^m + (1-x^m) / (1+x)^m


x >= 1


it looks like the (i am not sure):


df/dx > 0 for 0 < m <=3

df/dx < 0 for m < 0

df/dx < 0 for m > 0



there was a misprint

how to see it :


p*(int(f(x), x = 0 .. infinity)) = sum(int(f(x), x = n .. n+p), n = 0 .. infinity)+sum((p-n)*(int(f(x), x = n-1 .. n)), n = 1 .. p-1)


e < (1+1/n)^((1/8)*(n^(1/3)+(n+1)^(1/3))^3)


thans for your reply.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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