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9 years, 263 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MDD

 Could you please help me to resolve my problem?

Let us consider A=[a,-b,c, d, -a,b, -d]. Is there any command or function to remove negative element from A? For this example I want to obtain [a,b,c,d]. It is worth noting that not different "a" belong in the output list or "-a".

Thank you in advance.

Could you please help me at the solution of my problem?

Let us consider the following list:

A := [x[1, 1]*(a*x[1, 1] + E[1, 1]) + x[2, 1]*(a*x[1, 2] + E[1, 2]) + x[3, 1]*(a*x[1, 3] + E[1, 3]), x[1, 2]*(a*x[1, 1] + E[1, 1]) + x[2, 2]*(a*x[1, 2] + E[1, 2]) + x[3, 2]*(a*x[1, 3] + E[1, 3]), x[1, 3]*(a*x[1, 1] + E[1, 1]) + x[2, 3]*(a*x[1, 2] + E[1, 2]) + x[3, 3]*(a*x[1, 3] + E[1, 3]), x[1, 1]*(a*x[2, 1] + E[2, 1]) + x[2, 1]*(a*x[2, 2] + E[2, 2]) + x[3, 1]*(a*x[2, 3] + E[2, 3]), x[1, 2]*(a*x[2, 1] + E[2, 1]) + x[2, 2]*(a*x[2, 2] + E[2, 2]) + x[3, 2]*(a*x[2, 3] + E[2, 3]), x[1, 3]*(a*x[2, 1] + E[2, 1]) + x[2, 3]*(a*x[2, 2] + E[2, 2]) + x[3, 3]*(a*x[2, 3] + E[2, 3]), x[1, 1]*(a*x[3, 1] + E[3, 1]) + x[2, 1]*(a*x[3, 2] + E[3, 2]) + x[3, 1]*(a*x[3, 3] + E[3, 3]), x[1, 2]*(a*x[3, 1] + E[3, 1]) + x[2, 2]*(a*x[3, 2] + E[3, 2]) + x[3, 2]*(a*x[3, 3] + E[3, 3]), x[1, 3]*(a*x[3, 1] + E[3, 1]) + x[2, 3]*(a*x[3, 2] + E[3, 2]) + x[3, 3]*(a*x[3, 3] + E[3, 3])]

I want to subs E[k,k]=1 when there is "a*x[k,k]+E[k,k]" as a part of polynomial in the above list.

Thank you so much in advance


Let m, n be two monomials with parametric coefficients. How to decide that two monomials are distinct in the variables?

For example, if m= (a-1)x^2y and b= (a-b)z^2 (where a,b are parameters and x,y,z are variables) then m and n are distinct. Is there any command? 

Thank you in advance.

Dear all,

How can I decide that the product a*n appears on the list [1-a*n*xy, x+y]? I used from the following function but the result is false.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

 Dear ...

Let us consider $F$ be a parametric polynomial set. How can decide that $F$ contains a constant or parameters, automatically? For example, if $F=/{a*x^3-1, b*y+x, -1, c/}$ where $a, b$ and $c$ are parameters and $x$ and $y$ are variables then the output of procedure is true since of $F$ contains $c$ and also $-1$ and the outputs for $G=\{\a*x^3-1, b*y+x, x+y}$ is false. Is there any command or simple procedure for this conclusion?

I am looking forward to hearing from you

Sincerely yours.

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