
15 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 176 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Manny08

@Carl Love 

I understand how to do that part using Maple but how do I write the vector as a linear combination of the vectors in the given set using Maple?

@Carl Love


We do

A:=matrix(..., ..., [.........]);

@Carl Love 


Yes, you find the rref. Find x1, x2, and etc. If linearly dependent then it spans.


How do I solve it using Maple? Thank you

I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused. Is #2 shown supposed to be B? Because I don't see any of the vectors given in the question B in the solved problem.

I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused. Is #2 shown supposed to be B? Because I don't see any of the vectors given in the question B in the solved problem.

I know how to solve it but you never showed how to solve it on maple...

I know how to solve it but you never showed how to solve it on maple...

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