
20 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 65 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by MartinUser

#Most  dediction of  depth of field of optical lens  involves various simplification,  hence cannot be used  for  close up photography.  With Maple, it is easy to obtain  precise   Depth of field  formuar for optical lens  without  any simplification


> restart; h := H = F^2/(N*coc)+F; E0 := 1/d+1/D0 = 1/F; E1 := 1/(d+e)+1/D2 = 1/F; E2 := a/(d+e) = coc/delta; E3 := a = F/N; eq := {E0, E1, E2, E3, h}; var := {D2, N, coc, d, delta}; e := -delta; sol1 := solve(eq, var); t1 := op(sol1)[1]; Dfar := op(t1)[2]; e := delta; sol2 := solve(eq, var); t2 := op(sol2)[1]; Dnear := op(t2)[2];





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