
80 Reputation

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16 years, 150 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Menl

Thanx all for your great effort to convert these equations into one another. I have to dive into the solutions as you use some functions I haven't used before, but they look powerfull for rearanging functions (an area I definately have to work on).

It would be even better when at the point of solving you could control the form of the solution, so to tell Maple to use the hyperbolic functions instead of the exponential functions.


@jpmay: What was the original command that gave these expressions? 

I got this equation from solving a set of 4 differential equations and solving for 3 variables. Hence A4 is still in this expression. So the command used was solve.

Thanx all for your great effort to convert these equations into one another. I have to dive into the solutions as you use some functions I haven't used before, but they look powerfull for rearanging functions (an area I definately have to work on).

It would be even better when at the point of solving you could control the form of the solution, so to tell Maple to use the hyperbolic functions instead of the exponential functions.


@jpmay: What was the original command that gave these expressions? 

I got this equation from solving a set of 4 differential equations and solving for 3 variables. Hence A4 is still in this expression. So the command used was solve.

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