
8 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 10 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by NeilMack

Hi, I am trying to create a sheet to show the derivation of 2nd and 4th-order function derivatives as part of a 5-point finite difference scheme for a 1-D model (a continuous beam on an irregular foundation). I have isolated 2 simultaneous equations by using Taylor polynomials and would like to cast these in matrix form and then solve for each of the D-operators symbolically. Is there a simple way to do this or do I have to work with the ops manually? thanks for any help, Neil
Have spent much of the weekend reading the maple help files and googling but still haven't found a current way to do this on XP with v9.5. Tried editing the maple9.5.ini file to point to the folder, but it doesn't work and seems to behave more like a log file. I can use libname as a line in the worksheet but would prefer to do without as I use the modules a lot. Any suggestions would be welcome. Neil
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