Nicolai Sanders

20 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 267 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Nicolai Sanders

We have an area defined in polar coordinates by

r = 1..3 and theta = 0..3*Pi /4

, and we wish to plot it in maple. Such a simple thing should be possible, but it seems impossible with implicitplot and polarplot.

Unfortunately, this exact maple plot is required for an assignment tuesday, so we would like some help

I have been trying to solve a larger problem (recovering data from blurred photos) and i have hit a snag. Consider an area in the plane, for example a circle with radius r=1 and centre C defined by some parametric equation, fx C=(t,0). This would give us an area A defined by (x-t)^2+y^2 <>. My aim is to construct a function f(x,y), where the value of f for any point (x,y) is equal to the range of t-values for which the point is inside the circle, with t being in the interval from 0 to T. I would really like som help in finding a method for finding f(x,y). The aim of this function would be to calculate how the image data from any single pixel would be spread over other pixels due to camera shake, with the camera shake being given by the parametric equation for C.
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