
Dr. Patrick T

2153 Reputation

18 Badges

16 years, 138 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by PatrickT

Ali, can you copy-paste your lines of code (in 1D Maple input format) or, if it's too big, upload a worksheet (green up-arrow from menu). 

@Markiyan Hirnyk  I was not irritated, merely reporting back about the bug.

Another test, if this is posted properly it will have worked for me too, thanks bryon.

If you can read this, then the problem is likely to have been solved for me too. But I'll do more testing and report back if problem persists. Thanks.


the mapleprimes site is currently buggy, following a recent update. You could try to copy-paste your code by editing your above message. Copy-pasting code is usually more useful and/or efficient than attaching an entire file. Make sure you copy-paste as 1-d Maple input text, rather than 2-d or image. If you can still be bothered that is...

[I am able to post a reply today so I'm copying the text I had branched off]

Preben, would this be considered a limitation or a bug or is it expected behaviour?

you can sort of see the problem with this:

r := 2*arctanh((1+s)*tanh(x)/sqrt((1-s)*(1+s)))+ln((1/2)*arccosh(1/s)-x):

L := limit(r, x=a*arccosh(1/s)) assuming s>0 and s<1;

/ 2 2 \
|/ / /1\\\ / / /1\\\ |
||exp|a arccosh|-||| s + |exp|a arccosh|-||| - s - 1|
|\ \ \s/// \ \ \s/// |
2 arctanh|-----------------------------------------------------|
| / 2 \ (1/2) |
| |/ / /1\\\ | / 2 \ |
| ||exp|a arccosh|-||| + 1| \-s + 1/ |
\ \\ \ \s/// / /

/ /1\\
- ln(2) + ln|arccosh|-|| + ln(-2 a + 1)
\ \s//

Then consider what happens as a tends to 1/2.

(I think this shows that) The limit is broken down into two diverging components that end up confusing Maple.



> "A free Maple Player provides for an additional desktop option to consume Möbius content."

I would like to thank and congratulate Maplesoft for coming up with a free Maple Player. There has been demand for such a tool for a long time and it's great to know it's here.

I also think it's great that Maple has an app. I haven't tried it yet.

Edit 2: I have now tried the Maple player and I successfully read my worksheets in the player. I was also impressed by the ability to rotate 3D plots in the player. So far, no problem. As far as I can tell, the worksheets must be saved in executed form to be readable in the Player (this can mean large worksheets if you have multiple plots). I intend to use the Player right away to share simulations with my co-author. I am very impressed.

The download is huge, does it have to be so big? Edit 3: I understand that the executable has to be large to be able to read any Maple worksheet.

Could you put the Maple player on a torrent to ease download? Is that something users can do? Thanks!

Edit 1: How about a free Maple calculator? The Maple calculator is my favourite tool. I would love to be able to use it as a standalone, to carry it around on a usb stick. You could also make a web interface for it: something like this To make the Maple calculator available online would be a great ad for Maplesoft. I bet many people who own Maple are not even aware of the existence of the Maple calculator.

 @Carl Love 

When I export the plot as postscript (with the default numpoints or with a large number), I get a nice, smooth plot, as smooth as Maple plots have ever been for me. I do see the effect shown by the OP on-screen and if I do a screen-capture then I do get a jagged plot. But exporting within Maple gives me a top quality plot. (Maple 15 32 bits, Windows7)

Edit: zoom of the postscript:


 @Carl Love 

When I export the plot as postscript (with the default numpoints or with a large number), I get a nice, smooth plot, as smooth as Maple plots have ever been for me. I do see the effect shown by the OP on-screen and if I do a screen-capture then I do get a jagged plot. But exporting within Maple gives me a top quality plot. (Maple 15 32 bits, Windows7)

Edit: zoom of the postscript:



 and no doubt useful too!



 and no doubt useful too!



you need to copy-paste the code exactly as given:



should be


missing -



should be:


missing ~




you need to copy-paste the code exactly as given:



should be


missing -



should be:


missing ~



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