
Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan

399 Reputation

13 Badges

10 years, 258 days

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

With twenty years of Industrial experience and twenty years of teaching experience, I am now as retired Professor, using Maple to teach mathematics subject for students studying X to XII standards. Published XII Mathematics books.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Ramakrishnan

Is there a possibility for maple ambassadors to purchase the new maple version now?

It would be great if maplesoft come forward to help maple ambassadors have the ease to access latest version for mutual growth and benefits.



This doc is just an example for uploading with my post.


The above doc/worksheet can be clicked and viewed.

Youtube URL is given below. This also can be clicked and viewed. Thanks to Carl Love's suggestion, I modified using the chain link in the editor.








In maple plot, very many symbols like, diamond, star, solidcircle are available. Many of them may have been used also for teaching purposes.

Recently, someone encountered the need to draw graphs with arrowheads and many solutions may be available as well. But it requires a thorough understanding of maple's features which are infinitely many. My feeling was that an arrow symbol also could be added in the symbol feature so that the option can be used as a plot point in the graph at the graph end points very easily. It can be just like adding a solidbox symbol at any point on the curve.

Hope my suggestions are in order.


Ramakrishnan V

Download New_ReportGeneration_with_ExcelData.mw

Dear Users,

I have received a congratulations from a Mapleprime user for my post (on Finite Element Analysis - Basics) posted two years earlier. I  did not touch that subject for two years for obvious reasons. Now that a motivation has come, I have decided to post my second application using embedded components. This I was working for the past two years and with the support from Maplesoft technical support team and Dr.RobertLopez. I thank them here for this workbook has come out well to my satisfaction and has given me confidence to post it public.

About the workbook

I have tried to improve the performance of a 2-Stroke gasoline engine to match that of a four stroke engine by using exhaust gas recirculation. Orifice concept is new and by changing the orifice diameter and varying the % of EGR, performance was monitored and data stored in Excel workbook. These data can be imported to Maple workbook by you as you want for each performance characteristic. The data are only my experimental and not authentic for any commercial use.

This Maple workbook generates curves from data for various experiments conducted by modifying the field variables namely Orifice diameter, % Exhaust gas Recirculation and Heat Exchanger Cooling. Hence optimum design selection is possible for best performance.

Thanks for commenting, congratulating or critisising!! All for my learning and improving my Maple understanding!! 

I am learning to use maple for my notes preparation for the subject Finite Element Analysis. It is interesting to know that how often we blame maple or computer for the silly mistakes we made in our commands and expect the exact answers. I have used a small file and find it easy to analyse my mistakes fatser. If we make a small mistake in a big file, it not only gives us problem finding our mistakes, it leads to more mistakes in other parts as well. A command working in one document need not necessarily work the same way in other document.

I have made my first document and people will come with suggestions to make appropriate modifications in the various sections to improve my knowledge on maple as well as the subject.


Ramakrishnan V


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