Reshu Gupta

60 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 236 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Reshu Gupta

@Carl Love 

I have edited.

Request to go through again

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thank you 



Hello This command is not working on my attached equation.

Please tell me how to do 


Thank you so much for your kind help.




Thank you

@Carl Love 

Thank you



I need 'a' in suffix of Nu like 

@Carl Love 

Thank you

@Carl Love 

Hello carl 

I am not able to run this for different values of R, t and S.

Please help.


The same problem i am doing by numerical method but in that also i am having error. Could you please help




@Carl Love 

Thank you and sorry for inconvenience.

@Carl Love 

Thanks for your response.

I need one more help. My code is not running for different values of R[o] for grearter than and equal to 1.

for R[o]=10, 40, 60, -10, -40, -60

Kindly check my code and find out my mistake.


Thank you for your kind support



I got graph of G(x) vs x. but I am not able to export values in Excel. I need values at x=-1, -0.9, -0.8,-0.7........1.

kindly give command to plot G(x) vs x along with export in Excel file 

Please help. 


G(x) := -1.50000000000*x - 0.0170454545454*(x^4 + 17.6721666667*x^2 - 5.11042142857)*x - 0.0197950153310*exp(-4.47213595500*x) + 0.0197950153310*exp(4.47213595500*x) + 6.62030572935*10^(-13)*(-92400.*x^4 - 82645.0724484*x^3 + 526680.*x^2 + 241736.836912*x + 27027.)*exp(-4.47213595500*x + 4.47213595500) + 6.62030572935*10^(-13)*(92400.*x^4 - 82645.0724484*x^3 - 526680.*x^2 + 241736.836912*x - 27027.)*exp(4.47213595500*x + 4.47213595500)

@Carl Love 

Thank you so much carl for solving this equation.

I need one more favor form you.

I need 2 graphs when t = 1, S=1 and R=1,9, 16,25,50 for f and f ' seperately with its table form -1, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7,-----1 

and 2 graphs when R = 9, t = -1 and S=3,6,12,20,25 for f and f ' seperately with its table form -1, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7,-----1 

and 2 graphs when R = 25, S=10 and t= -10, -5, 0, 3 10 for f and f ' seperately with its table form -1, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7,-----1 

please help me out.

I am not able to solve this equation

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation



t := -1:
S := 1:
R := 9:

EQ:={(diff(F(x), x $ 4)) + R*( diff(F(x),x)*diff(F(x),x$2)- F(x)*diff(F(x),x$3) ) + R*t*( F(x)*diff(F(x),x$5) - diff(F(x),x)*diff(F(x),x$4) ) - R*S^2*diff(F(x),x$2) =0}:

IC:={D(F)(-1)=0, D(F)(1)=0,F(-1)=-1,F(1)=1,D(D(F))(0)=0}:

sol:= dsolve(EQ union IC,numeric,maxmesh=1024,output=Array([-1,-0.9,-0.8,-0.7,-0.6,-0.5,-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1]));

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) boundary conditions specified at too many points: {-1, 0, 1}, can only solve two-point boundary value problems

Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution
plots:-odeplot(sol,  [x, diff(F(x), x)], x = -1 .. 1, color =  green, axes = box)
Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution






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