Reshu Gupta

60 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 241 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Reshu Gupta

Pr:=0.71: n:=-1:


EQ1:=diff(H(x), x ) - x*diff(F(x), x ) ;

EQ2:=(1+x^2)*diff(F(x), x$2) + (3*x + x*F(x)-H(x))*diff(F(x), x) + F(x)^2 + G(x)^2 +2*P(x) + x*diff(P(x), x) ;

EQ3:=(1+x^2)*diff(G(x), x$2) + (3*x + x*F(x)-H(x))*diff(G(x), x) ;

EQ4:=(1+x^2)*diff(H(x), x$2) + (3*x + x*F(x)-H(x))*diff(H(x), x) + (1+F(x))*H(x)- diff(P(x), x);

EQ5:=(1+x^2)*diff(theta(x), x$2) + x*(1-2*n)*diff(theta(x), x) + n^2*theta(x) - Pr*( n*F(x)*theta(x) + ( H(x)-x*F(x) )*diff(theta(x), x)  ) ;

EQ:={EQ1=0, EQ2=0,EQ3=0,EQ4=0 ,EQ5=0}:

IC:={ F(0)=0, G(0)=12, H(0)=0, theta(0)= 1, F(eta0)=0, G(eta0)=12, H(eta0)=0, theta(eta0)= 0, P(0)=0};

sol:= dsolve(EQ union IC,numeric,output=Array([0,0.0699]));


I want to declare 'd' as a constant.

Please tell me how to declare 'd' as a constant.

getting error in solution?


Please resolve

t3 :=2:R := 0.5:M:=0.5 :

EQ:={diff(F(x), x $ 4) +2*R*(   F(x)*diff(F(x), x $ 3) + G(x)*diff(F(x), x)  ) + 2*R*t3*(  2*diff(F(x), x $ 2)*diff(F(x), x $ 3) + diff(F(x), x)*diff(F(x), x $ 4) + 3*diff(G(x), x )*diff(G(x), x $ 2) )=0,
diff(G(x),x$2) - 2*R*( diff(F(x),x)*G(x)- F(x)*diff(G(x), x)  ) - 2*R*t3*(  diff(F(x),x$2)*diff(G(x),x) - F(x)*diff(G(x), x $ 2) ) =0};

IC:={ F(0)=0,  F(1)=0,   G(0)=1,  G(1)=0, D(F)(0)=0, D(F)(1)=M};
sol:= dsolve(EQ union IC,numeric,maxmesh=1024,initmesh=512,output=Array([0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1]));


My equations are not getting solved.

Please tell me, is there any other command to solve these type of equations.




I need Nu[a] in the label of y-axis.

i am writing      labels = [eta, 'Nu[a]'(eta)] but I am not getting. Please help me for writing correct code.


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