
28 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 181 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Rick

Hi I pretty new to Maple and I have the following question. I make some calculations and out pops a number of values I am interesting. This is done several times in a loop (which I don't know the number of iterations of). Now, I would like to save these values so I can use them later on. My idea was to put everything into a matrix, and increase the size of it during runtim. I.e. initialize M for 1 to 5 do some calculations that return a and b change M so that M equals the old M with a and b added as last row end do How do I do this?
I have an expression, lets say x^2+ y*z^2+y^3 and I want to divide it with x*y and I want the output to be x/y+z^2/x+y^2/z How do I do this?
Hi I need to find out the index of a dae, is there a maple command that does this for me?
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