
MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by RunningDiamondCutter

I'm faced with the problem of trying to plot a graph of the form, for values of b against a. a^2:= (b^2*c^2) + (a*d^2)/(a-e^2); Unfortunately, when I try and enter the above, Maple gives an error and tells me when that the equation is recurrsive. If I re-arrange the equation and then try and get an equation with a purely on one side, using the isolate command, Maple cannot isolate a. The re-arranged equation is of the from a^2 - a*e + (b^2*c^2*e)/a - d^2 - b^2*c^2 = 0; Perhaps I have re-arranged the equation incorrectly.
I have written a couple of lines in Maple as follows, to evaluate for the roots of Bessel's equation, J: m:=0; n:=1; p[m,n]:=evalf(BesselJZeros(m,n)); This produces a value of 2.405 for p[0,1], and p[1,1] to be 3.832 which is what I'm looking for. However, I also want to be able to evaluate Bessel's equation to get the roots for J', that would give p[0,1] to be 3.832, p[1,1] to be 1.841 etc. I can't find anything in the Maple help on the topic - well, nothing that provides actual solutions. Sorry I haven't worded this very well, but I'm not sure on the actual mathematical wo
Is there any command that will get Maple to explicitly re-arrange an equation for another variable? e.g Taking a simple example, y = x + 1 and then getting it re-arranged to x = y - 1
I was hoping to get some help with a problem I've been facing for the past couple of days. Basically, I've got a quadratic which I've solved for, and found 2 complex roots, say x1 and x2, for a range of values, y. This data has since been put into an array, showing both the real and imaginary parts of the roots. The 2 roots obtained for each value of y are just the positive and negative of each other. I've then taken the data from the array, and since I'm only interested in the imaginary parts of x, I've taken the data from the array and using the seq command, obtained a list of the points x1, x2 and y I want to plot.
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