Samuel Gundry

0 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 3 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Samuel Gundry

Hi, I am trying to use fsolve to find the roots of p non-linear equations. These vary from 2 dimensional to, so far, 5 dimensional. I'm really trying to minimize the log likelihood of an ARCH time series: L := (t) -> 1/2*T*log(2*Pi)+1/2*Sum(log(h(t)),t = p .. T)+1/2*Sum(y[t]^2/h(t),t = p .. T): where h := (t) -> alpha[1] + alpha[2]*y[t-1]^2 + alpha[3]*y[t-2]^2 ... + alpha[p]*u[y-p]^2: and y[t] are observed data. I've used the p partial derivatives to solve for dL/dalpha=0 using fsolve and intervals alpha=0..1. Occasionally, it works fine and estimates the parameter vector alpha reasonably. However, sometimes it takes about 30-60 seconds and just returns the equation and no answer:
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