
607 Reputation

10 Badges

20 years, 7 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by SandorSzabo

I would like to print on the screen

[; -T\leq x\leq T ;]

where [;T;] is a variable which obtains its value from calculation, and [;x;] is a string only.

I tried 


Error, unexpected relational operator

Is it possible to solve this problem?




I have a procedure



end proc;


When I type  

smth(Pi);       or     smth(pi);    

I obtain the error message

Error, invalid input: smth expects its 1st argument, T, to be of type positive, but received pi

How can i give the Pi/pi to T  if I want to keep  the T::positive  ?

(evalf is not acceptable.)



My problem is that Maple does not give answer at all for the initial value problem, so I need a help. If does exist a solution how can I obtain it?

Thanks in advance,  Sandor


I can generate matrix with the command


How can I generate a symmetric real  (large, not only 3x3) matrix with symbol=a ?

Thanks,              Sandor


(Sorry, this is reposting my earlier question that was submitted into a wrong place.) I want to (triple)integrate f(x,y,z):=7z on the cylinder x^2+y^2<>
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