
607 Reputation

10 Badges

20 years, 7 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by SandorSzabo

I'm trying to get the simple form of sum{k=1 to n} _2k C _k... I've tried to use Pascal's triangle, the gamma function, etc... but I couldn't get it... Somebody help~ My guess is _2k C _k is equal to binomial(2k,k). I used Maple... and the answer is ... as I see, a complex number!
                              binomial(2 k, k)

    4 I 3                                            /[       3]            \
- -------------- - binomial(2 n + 2, n + 1) hypergeom|[1, n + -], [n + 2], 4|
I want to write the function into the proc. test:=proc(h) h(1.1); end; proc(h) ... end; It doesn't gives what I want: test(x^3); 3 x(1.1) I would like to obtain 1.331 . More explicitly, how can I write into a proc a function directly, say x^3? (Not defining earlier h:=x->x^3 .)
I want to define the operator L(g):=(phi*D)(g), which to be understood L(g)(x):=phi(x)*g'(x), phi is a fixed smooth function. One solution would be to write a procedure, but I would like a more elegant method. How can I do it?
I would like to calculate int( (1/4)*x^3*BesselY(0,x)*BesselK(0,x),x=0..infinity); In an article authors say it is 1/(2*pi). Could help me anybody? Sandor
I have a real polynomial, p(x). I want to know only, if it has a positive root? Is it possible to answer this question without the sturm command?
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