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19 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

If you would like to get the Overbar in the 2-D input, you can find it in the Accents palette. I believe this palette was added in Maple 10.04. Scott
With the need for the mbooks to be able to execute what is in the embedded components, I doubt if the Creative Zen or other mp3 players have the processing power to handle these products. Although, as mentioned in some of the other posts, more information on the mbook product line should come out a bit later. Scott
Is there a typo in that function that you typed since there is no height in the function. If the function is correct, then the following should give you the result that you are looking for maximize(Pi*(6*r^2-r^3), r = 0 .. 6, location); The location flag will tell you the value of r that gives the maximum volume. Scott
What version of Maple are you using? I was able to reproduce the answer your were looking for when using Maple 11.01. You can go to 'Tools'>'Check for Updates' in Maple 11 to update to this version. Scott
The .mbook format is different than the .mwz format but I believe both of these formats currently need to be created by Maplesoft. Scott
If you remove all the ' quotes around the summations then Maple will work as you would expect. What seems to be happening is that the quotes are stopping Maple from evaluating the sum and when you right click and simplify, the min(2,j) gets simplified before the summation is run. Scott
The two options are:
  1. Go to the website
  2. Contact Maplesoft and request a download link
These two options are important since for Vista there are a lot of changes over and above the normal update that the rest of the operating systems need. As a result the fresh install is needed. Scott
Yes you can run Maple 11 fully compatible with Windows Vista. You will need to follow one of the two methods to get Maple 11.01 from Maplesoft. Then uninstall your copy of Maple 11 on your vista machine and re-install with Maple 11.01. Scott
While it is correct that Maple 11.01 is compatible with Windows Vista, you cannot install Maple 11.00 and update to get to the version that will be compatible. To get the version that runs properly on Windows Vista, you will need to install Maple 11.01 directly. If you had purchased a download copy of Maple 11, then please contact Maplesoft Customer service to get a copy of the download of Maple 11.01. Alternatively, you can go to this website, and enter your purchase code to get Maple 11.01. Scott
For those of you, like jakubi, who are still wondering what Maple Reader will do, we will be posting an example .mbook file soon. This will likely be a simple example but should show you what the Maple Reader can do. Scott
Maple Reader is a product that Maple is currently developing for reading of an ebook. The developers are working on this for use with a future product. There will be more information coming out concerning Maple Reader and this product in the future. If you would like more information on this, please contact Maplesoft directly. Scott
For anyone who has the error message when starting the Maple Reader, please contact Maplesoft Technical Support for help. You don't need to uninstall Maple 10 since this isn't the cause. Scott
The reason why this wouldn't be for Windows Vista users is because the Vista version of Maple 11 is actually 11.01, so the update has already been applied. Scott
The Maple update is for anyone using Maple 11. Note that if you are on a windows OS and installed the download version of Maple 11 in the last week you may already have this version. Go to Help > About Maple to find the version that you have. Not only does it have fixes for some of the bugs that have been found but the Maplesoft website indicates that there are some improvements in the following areas: * Differential Equations * Maplets * Physics Package updates * Plot legends, and * Vector Calculus Scott
The install.html that comes with Maple 11 states that the Java version needs Java 1.4 or later. On Windows XP, Maple 11 installs Java 1.5.0_10, so if you find something similar that should alright. Maple 11.01 update has come out today, so try downloading that one from the website and applying the update. Scott
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