
784 Reputation

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19 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

Did you mean the expression ((1/x*((a^x-1)/(a-1)))^1)/x or (1/x*((a^x-1)/(a-1)))^(1/x)? If it is the first the following are the results from Maple: limit((a^x-1)/(x^2*(a-1)), x = infinity) assuming a > 1; infinity limit((a^x-1)/(x^2*(a-1)), x = infinity) assuming a > 0, a<1; 0 limit(((a^x-1)/(x*(a-1)))^(1/x), x = infinity) assuming a > 1; a limit(((a^x-1)/(x*(a-1)))^(1/x), x = infinity) assuming a > 1; 1 Scott
The link that the user was trying to post is: Download 5348_NahayCubicResolvent.pdf
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I believe the import bit from Robert's post is near the end. So I would suggest that the way to solve this is to first answer the following questions: -What is a normal of a plane? -What is the equation of normal of a general form of the equation of a plane? -If the plane and the vector is parallel, what is the vector and the normal line? By using the answer of the second and third question, you will find an equation of the plane with 1 extra unknown. By using the point you will be able to solve for that. Scott
I believe the import bit from Robert's post is near the end. So I would suggest that the way to solve this is to first answer the following questions: -What is a normal of a plane? -What is the equation of normal of a general form of the equation of a plane? -If the plane and the vector is parallel, what is the vector and the normal line? By using the answer of the second and third question, you will find an equation of the plane with 1 extra unknown. By using the point you will be able to solve for that. Scott
2/5=4/10 or 2/5 = 0.40000 Therefore 4 10ths. Scott
Hi Jean Marc, We have taken the current episode off the listing on the website. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully we will have the episode back up by the end of the week. Scott
Hello Lil george, Can you go to the forums (try the Math Advice forum) and start a new forum topic with your questions? Scott
Olivier, would you be able to post new questions in a new forum topic in the future? This way these forum topics don't get too many questions on them and this forum topic shows how diverse the questions can get. This also makes it harder for future beginners to make use of these tips if they are stuck in these long posts on different topics. Scott
The help page for seq has a lot of information on it. You can get to it by executing ?seq in a Maple worksheet. Alternatively you can open the help system and look for seq. The 4th and 6th examples at the bottom of the page shows the square brackets outside of the seq() call to make a list. The 7th example shows something like the one that you were asking for (as in a list of points). In the help page there is no example for a floating point as the step value, but the help page does indicate that the step value needs to be a numeric value (in the Parameter section). If you believe the help page is missing something, could you be a bit more specific what it was that you were looking for, so that someone else reading this will know exactly what you mean? Scott
I have fixed the links on Stephanie's blog. They should now work. Scott
In the past the two numbers that seem to work for the maxheap is either 700M or 650M. If setting the maxheap to 700M doesn't work, try the 650M. If this doesn't work, I would suggest contacting Maplesoft Technical Support. Scott
You can use the seq command like the following: [seq([an, sin(an)], an = 0 .. evalf(Pi), evalf((1/10)*Pi))]; this tells maple to loop through values of 0 to Pi at a step of Pi/10. The seq command needs to have numeric values for the range and step and that is why I have an evalf command where Pi is being used. To get more information on the seq command, check the help page at ?seq Scott
I believe that the issue here is that Q(x) is being evaluated to 0 and QBar(x) is evaluated to 1 before the int command is dealing with it. A test to see this is if you had >int(QBar(x),x=0..1.5); You would expect it to be 1 if it worked but it is 1.5. Scott
I believe that the issue here is that Q(x) is being evaluated to 0 and QBar(x) is evaluated to 1 before the int command is dealing with it. A test to see this is if you had >int(QBar(x),x=0..1.5); You would expect it to be 1 if it worked but it is 1.5. Scott
If you would like to get the Overbar in the 2-D input, you can find it in the Accents palette. I believe this palette was added in Maple 10.04. Scott
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