Simon Johansen

213 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 61 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Simon Johansen

Hi all,

i was trying to make a package at my new maple 13. When bad and i ended up getting a error, when doing:

Hi all, i have been using maple for some time now. But one thing still bothers me. The use of radian in stead og degree. I found a way to work around it, but still.

So i looked at the help file, and found some intresting commands like:

  • AddSystem - "The AddSystem(unit_name, opts, units) function adds or redefines a system of units in the current session"
  • UseSystem

Can't that be used to forcing maple to calculate in degrees rather then radian.


/Simon Johansen

Hi maplers

I have a problem, since i am printing text in some procedures that i really want to be black and alligned to the left side. It would be a great help if anyone could help me out.

/Simon Johansen

hi all maplers,

Hi maplers!

Me and some friends have been wondering for quite some time now, about the possibilities based on the folowing calclation:


equ:=a^2=b^2+c^2 (just a commun equation)

Now comes the problem, since i need maple as a tool for making reports and whatever comes in handy, i need to think at the visual stuff too(since my teachers want it, *SIGH*). Then is there a function that just inserts the varriables into the equation, so thre resualt would be something like this:

Calc( equ,'input')

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