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2 years, 273 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by TKChang99


At the moment I am focused on learning the Math (Calculus, then Differential Equations) and have been using Maple primarily to check the answers I got on a textbook problem.

I learn best by example but I realize that not knowing how to read the help pages really is a disadvantage.  I would like to learn how to use this amazing application more effectively in the future.  Can anyone give me tips on learning Maple with the help pages?  I got a primer on Maple but that hasn't been enough because I haven't used Maple enough.  How did you learn Maple and how do you think one can do this more quickly?

Thank You in advance.


I am trying to learn how to use SurfaceInt in the VectorCalculus package to check my work on the even numbered problems in my Calculus book.

I can't seem to figure out how to define any surface in general.

One example in the help page is

SurfaceInt(1, [x, y, z] = Surface(<r, s, t>, s = 0 .. Pi, t = 0 .. 2*Pi, coords = spherical)) assuming (0 < r)

I can decode this one but can someone tell me what the word Surface is supposed to be? I think the surface is defined parametrically.  I can't find this command(?) or option(?) in the help pages. I am not even sure what part of the syntax it would be.

I don't want to ask for a lesson from anyone (time is so precious and valuable).  I just need a pointer to learn how to use "Surface."  Where is it defined?  What concepts in maple do I need to decode and also construct a Surface for the SurfaceInt command?  Do I just need to learn how to do paramterizations in Maple?

Thank You in advance

In the above Maple document, I present a puzzling problem:  When I use plot3d, the options

font = [Times, bold, 16], labels = ['u', 'v', 'z'], labelfont = [Times, bold, 40] in the command

plot3d([u*sin(2*v), u^2, u*cos(2*v)], transparency = 0.60, shading = none, font = [Times, bold, 16], labels = ['u', 'v', 'z'], labelfont = [Times, bold, 40], grid = [60, 60]);

produces nice big labels on the axes, which are visible as opposed to the almost invisible default size, especially on printouts but when I use these options as in below command:

fieldplot3d([0, 0, -y], x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, z = -2 .. 2, arrows = `3-D`, fieldstrength = maximal(0.5), font = [Times, bold, 16], labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'], labelfont = [Times, bold, 40], grid = [4, 4, 4])

the lables x, y and z on the fieldplot are small, the default.  I used the same option and get different results.

I have been researching this for almost 2 hours and I can't find a way to increase the font size in the fieldplot command.

Is this a bug or does the fieldplot command not use these options the way it is used in the plot3d command?

Thank You for reading my question. (I am relatively inexperienced with Maple.)

Tom K.

I am using the Calculus Study Guide and the mathematical notation is half Maple notation and then half typeset notation. I have tried to tweak with Tools>Options>Display settings but it stays the same

For example:

{a[n]}[n = n[0]]^infinity;, where 

 is the general term for the sequence, and 

 is the starting index.
The notation is often shortened to {a[n]}; to save printing costs.

...and the math notation past the word "where" is in typeset notation but changed to Maple Notation when I cut and pasted.

Thank You in advance.

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