Taha Gumma El Turki

Mr. Taha Gumma El Turki

20 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 356 days
Benghazi University
Member of Faculty of Sciences
Benghazi, Libya

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These are questions asked by Taha Gumma El Turki

I have two questions if you please.
Is there any kind of a ruler in the maple worksheet that helps me to Adjust the wideness of the line text? 0r even to  spilt the outputs in two columns 
you know as the ruler in the "Word document ".
Q2) Is there any way"method" to change the output type 
since the default adjustment of the outputs is a type of stretchable image? But I need the outputs of the text type. That may  help me to insert them in a given templet

Thank you

My Question is is there a command to count up "compute" the number of certain digits in a given number

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