891 Reputation

13 Badges

13 years, 327 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ThU



Here is the simplest example I can think of.Pendulum.msim

In the attachments, you find a sheet with some multibody commands that give the pendulum movement in the form [x,y,z]=[L*cos(theta),L*sin(theta),0]






Here is the simplest example I can think of.Pendulum.msim

In the attachments, you find a sheet with some multibody commands that give the pendulum movement in the form [x,y,z]=[L*cos(theta),L*sin(theta),0]




You have to define your parameters on top of the Parameter screen:


Then you can replace numerical values in any components.


You have to define your parameters on top of the Parameter screen:


Then you can replace numerical values in any components.


In the equation template (Step 1), there is a section "Parameter and Variable Manipulation (optional)" 

There you can decide which Parameters will be symbolic or numeric when showing the equations.


In the equation template (Step 1), there is a section "Parameter and Variable Manipulation (optional)" 

There you can decide which Parameters will be symbolic or numeric when showing the equations.


...just click the AEs button in step2 in the equations template


[[-sin(R1_theta(t)) P1_s(t)-cos(R1_theta(t)) sin(R3_theta(t))+sin(R1_theta(t)) cos(R3_theta(t))=0],[cos(R1_theta(t)) P1_s(t)-cos(R1_theta(t)) cos(R3_theta(t))-1/2-sin(R1_theta(t)) sin(R3_theta(t))=0]]

...just click the AEs button in step2 in the equations template


[[-sin(R1_theta(t)) P1_s(t)-cos(R1_theta(t)) sin(R3_theta(t))+sin(R1_theta(t)) cos(R3_theta(t))=0],[cos(R1_theta(t)) P1_s(t)-cos(R1_theta(t)) cos(R3_theta(t))-1/2-sin(R1_theta(t)) sin(R3_theta(t))=0]]

A compiler accelerates the simulation process for more complex models. Simple models like the slider crank that only take a few seconds to compute do not benefit much.   

For equations, select view->create attachment und start the equations template, which guides you. For more control, you would want to open the equation manipulation section at the end of this template, but this requires operating at command line level. 

A compiler accelerates the simulation process for more complex models. Simple models like the slider crank that only take a few seconds to compute do not benefit much.   

For equations, select view->create attachment und start the equations template, which guides you. For more control, you would want to open the equation manipulation section at the end of this template, but this requires operating at command line level. 

@Carl Love 


The real part from simplify(Re(evalc(ex))); contains trigs, can they be converted to radicals? Because, something like sin(arctan(Pi)); is converted automatically.

@Carl Love 


The real part from simplify(Re(evalc(ex))); contains trigs, can they be converted to radicals? Because, something like sin(arctan(Pi)); is converted automatically.


just copy/paste the code here with ctrl-c and ctrl-v. Maybe it helps if you convert it to 1D input before copying. Use context menu for that


just copy/paste the code here with ctrl-c and ctrl-v. Maybe it helps if you convert it to 1D input before copying. Use context menu for that


It would help if you would upload the code. 

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