891 Reputation

13 Badges

13 years, 327 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by ThU

One way is to insert a canvas (see menu Insert->Drawing) and use the basic elements and shapes to build the image. I would prefer to import the circuit into Maple as externally created image.

I guess you have to avoid the case k=0

I0 := 1/sqrt(1 - k*cos(t))^3;
(int(I0, t = 0 .. 2*Pi) assuming (-1 < k, k < 0));
(int(I0, t = 0 .. 2*Pi) assuming (0 < k, k <1));

add a step size to seq:

f := unapply(3*x^2 - 2*x^3 - 1.0806746490*x^2*(x - 1)^2 - 0.8118769171*x^2*(x - 1)^3 + 0.4147046974*x^2*(x - 1)^4 + 0.4585681954*x^2*(x - 1)^5, x);

seq(f(x), x = 0 .. 1, 0.1);

Just insert a code edit region into your document, incl. syntax highlighting, parenthesis matching etc.

see ?codeeditregion




There is the Iterator package as well, with alot of functionality regarding partitions. Check it out.

P := Iterator:-Partition(5):

for p in P do
    printf("%d\n", p[1 .. length(P)]);
end do;

Have you updated to Maple 2019.2.1 for better campatibility with Catalina?

Get it here

Updating from inside Maple is often slow.

for instance:

i := x;j := p;

`||`(i, j);

cat(i, j);


collect(Ty4, exp);

To see what combine is limited to do, check ?combine,exp 

Obviously, your Maple is broken. Contact Maple Customer Support and don't forget to include your Purcase Code you used to activate Maple, because it helps to identify the source of your license. You are not the first one with this error pattern.


Play with the options

plot3d(sech(1/2*sqrt(3/5)*(x - 2*t)), x = -10 .. 10, t = -10 .. 10, scaling = constrained, style = patchnogrid, view = [-10 .. 10, -10 .. 10, 0. .. 2.0], tickmarks = [default, default, [0., 1.0, 2.0]]);


Afaik there is no diff tutor for implicit functions. But you could raise printlevel a bit to see what Maple is doing when the command implicitdiff is invoked.


printlevel := 20;
implicitdiff(z*t = cos(z + t), z, t);
printlevel:=1; # reset


You have to place an assumption on a to determine the limit.


V := D__e*(1 - exp(-a*(R - R__e)))^2;

limit(V,R=infinity) assuming a>0;


You should contact Maplesoft support, don't forget to include your 16 digit purchase code.


You could as well use the library routine for transfer functions

eq1 := 2*diff(y__1(t), t) = -2*y__1(t) - 3*y__2(t) + 2*u__1(t);
eq2 := diff(y__2(t), t) = 4*y__1(t) - 6*y__2(t) + 2*u__1(t) + 4*u__2(t);
T := TransferFunction([eq1, eq2], [u__1(t), u__2(t)], [y__1(t), y__2(t)]):

There is no switch in Maple to do calculations in Degrees, but you could write a tiny procedure:

f := proc(amp, phase) amp*exp(Pi/180*I*phase); end proc;
#Call f with amplitude and degree:
evalf(f(230, 0) - f(20, -30)*f(0.097, 7.2) + f(40, -120)*f(0.097, 7.2));

#If you want to have it in polar coordinates again:

#You still would need to convert the rad to degree:

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