Tim Erickson

92 Reputation

6 Badges

19 years, 167 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Tim Erickson

Hi George


You were indeed correct. I usually read M'primes everyday but didn't recall seeing this post. Must have been daydreaming again.


Thank you,



After a great deal more tinkering I've restored printing from Maple 11.01. The needed fix is to back-level CUPS. I had CUPS 1.3.4 installed and I'm now at 1.2.12 with printing working as advertised. I'm not sure what-broke-what but this is a good lesson about the virtues of not always upgrading vital system components just-because-you-can. CUPS 1.2.12 is the SuSE installed version and should be left alone! Tim
Yes, substitution is what I ended up doing. I was curious as to how Maple would handle that function and was surprised when the tutor kept looping. Now I'm curious if there are any other functions the Tutor balks at. Thanks for the reply, Tim
I had some time to go googling and have the following solution: execute the following: export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=1 and then ./xmaple Which solves the problem temporarily but somewhere along the way the bug still needs repair. Tim
Coefficient of Determination is usually just r^2, the square of the coeff of correlation. The percentage of variation explained by the model or choices of variables in the model. Tim
Coefficient of Determination is usually just r^2, the square of the coeff of correlation. The percentage of variation explained by the model or choices of variables in the model. Tim
Answer: An Abelian Grape. Truthfully, I had to google that one. A Math Friend points out that the way to spot any hidden mathematicians at a party is to loudly begin a joke with: "First we set epsilon to a negative value . . ." You usually get a cocked eyebrow for the blasphemy. Tim
Lesson to self: Always google before posting. Thanks for the link. Tim.
I can't help but agree with T4 on the advantage of multiple sources of instruction in learning math. The main reason I have 8 books (bless the used-book seller)on calculus is that one will give a better explanation than another on a given topic and at least in my mind I assimilate the information better that way. In reality I usually flip between 2 books with occaisional visits into some of the others. Another truth is that some of the books aren't very useful either. Not for me it seems but I keep them anyway. (packrat) Here is a question: How did people, on MaplePrimes at least, come into math? Is the math a tool for the career or is the career secondary to the math? Perhaps that isn' t the entire question but only a part of it. Somewhere in the journey we decided we would like to do this or that. Part of this or that required math. How did we decide to venture into that field? Was math a comfortable subject? Was the breadth and depth of math apparent before starting or did it come as a surprise? How many people were fairly mature mathematically going into 1st year university math? At what point came the realization: 'I can do this stuff'? I know everyone will have differing opinions and experiences on this. There are those that were 'born to it' and those that grind away. I'd really like to read some comments on this since I think it comes back to the question about textbooks and learning math and are students today better prepared to start real math. Anyhow, the day awaits. Thanks for the comments. Tim
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