Tim Van Dusen

378 Reputation

7 Badges

17 years, 345 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Tim Van Dusen

Paulina - Thanks for adding this information. There are so many ways to get a job done in Maple - I'm just beginning to learn. Sometimes I think I may get more out of the questions answered here, than the people doing the asking.
Paulina - Thanks for adding this information. There are so many ways to get a job done in Maple - I'm just beginning to learn. Sometimes I think I may get more out of the questions answered here, than the people doing the asking.
so finally:    plot([zip(`[]`, x1, y1), zip(`[]`, x2, y1)], color = [red, blue], style = point) that's neat - thanks
so finally:    plot([zip(`[]`, x1, y1), zip(`[]`, x2, y1)], color = [red, blue], style = point) that's neat - thanks
I was looking at zip and couldn't figure out how to apply it here. Thanks for the example.
I was looking at zip and couldn't figure out how to apply it here. Thanks for the example.
This is pretty interesting. I thought I understood it, and then I did:    f1 := x^2+y^3: followed by:    f2 := unapply(f1, y):    f2(5, 2) = 25+y^3; and    f2b := unapply(f1, x, y):    f2b(5, 2) = 33; which made perfect sense. Then I did (accidentally):    f2c := unapply(f1, y, x):    f2c(5, 2) = 129; and got completely confused for a while until reading the comments here concerning it's similarity to lambda calculus - and now it all makes perfect sense. Thanks.
This is pretty interesting. I thought I understood it, and then I did:    f1 := x^2+y^3: followed by:    f2 := unapply(f1, y):    f2(5, 2) = 25+y^3; and    f2b := unapply(f1, x, y):    f2b(5, 2) = 33; which made perfect sense. Then I did (accidentally):    f2c := unapply(f1, y, x):    f2c(5, 2) = 129; and got completely confused for a while until reading the comments here concerning it's similarity to lambda calculus - and now it all makes perfect sense. Thanks.
I figured I'd try and give at least a little suggestion - though maybe not what you are hoping for - before this message scrolls off the board with no response. Perhaps you can translate some of the sample C code provided within the archive at the following link:     http://www.microchipc.com/sourcecode/ go down that page until you find the project:     Heater Project by Mike Pearce Unless you are already committed to using the 8051, the PIC part might be an easier approach since the entire project is presented within that archive - including schematic. I'd be inclined to replace the Dallas part used in that project with the LM35DZ. As far as I know Microchip has a PIC that interfaces the LCD without much work (since the LM35DZ seems to require only a single pin from the PIC) which could likely replace the PIC used in that project, as well as a developer kit that includes a C compiler - if you're not familar with the RISC architecture and associated assembly code. I'm relatively new to Maple, so I haven't a clue how to incorporate Maple into any of this, so I leave that to you or someone else who might have some ideas. p.s. using all capital letters in your message makes it difficult to read.
Below is one example of with and then without internet connected

It doesn't happen right away. I can open and close several worksheets before it begins to happen and then when it does, the question marks aren't always in the same place. Seems really strange.
Below is one example of with and then without internet connected

It doesn't happen right away. I can open and close several worksheets before it begins to happen and then when it does, the question marks aren't always in the same place. Seems really strange.
I recognize that there are a lot of things in Maple that could use improvement. However, if I were given the choice between quantity and quality, in this particular situation involving the dictionary, I'd choose quantity. Even though that may to many seem like a very unusual statement, the fact is, if I can find even a clue about a topic, at my fingertips, I can then explore the topic further. For example, I often look through the dictionary, find a term, and then see what Maple's dictionary says about it, followed by a great deal of research on the WEB and even my books. I, for example, would like something like the mentioned "hamiltonsequationsofmotion" searchable from within the worksheet as "hamiltons equations of motion" but I would also rather see the time that the developers at Maple would spend on something like that put to better use by adding more features to Maple. I think it would be great if everything worked perfect, but that's rarely the case with any software.
I agree - the Maple "Mathematical Dictionary" is a wonderful resource for learning. Something else I find very useful in Maple are the contents of the palettes. Many symbols and operators are unknown to me, yet just by passing the mouse over any of the symbols or operators I instantly am presented with a name which I can then use to reference it within either Maple's resources or by "googling" the WEB. That alone makes Maple an enormous learning aid - at least for someone like myself. So for myself, Maple has helped me both in the learning and the doing of mathematics. Since I first got Maple 10 and now Maple 11, there is a whole lot more of both learning and doing going on. I really can't say enough good things about Maple. It's helping me to learn new things in a way that is so much less elusive than trying to learn the same from books alone.
I just googled for information about that "backspace" crash I just mentioned and found the following: http://homepages.tesco.net./~J.deBoynePollard/FGA/csrss-backspace-bug.html
I remember when I could crash a version of windows by creating an executable file with the simple line: printf( "bsod\t\t\b\b\b\b" ) the "bsod" part has no effect of course, I just added that because that was the result of running the executable.
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