Usman hitec

15 Reputation

One Badge

6 years, 247 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Usman hitec

    /  /                                                    0.5
    |  |/         2                                        \   
 int\x \\D(c[2]) x  + 2 c[2] D(x) x + D(c[1]) x + c[1] D(x)/   

                                              \            \
            2             2                1.5|            |
    + c[2] x  + c[1] x - x  - 1.504505556 x   /, x = 0 .. 1/
   /   /                                                    0.5
   | 2 |/         2                                        \   
int\x  \\D(c[2]) x  + 2 c[2] D(x) x + D(c[1]) x + c[1] D(x)/   

                                             \            \
           2             2                1.5|            |
   + c[2] x  + c[1] x - x  - 1.504505556 x   /, x = 0 .. 1/

PDE := diff(u(x, y), x, x)+diff(u(x, y), y, y)-6*x*y*(1-y)-2*x^3 = 0; BCsx := u(xL, y) = 0, u(xU, y) = y*(1-y); BCsy := u(x, yL) = 0, u(x, yU) = 0; solPDE := pdsolve({BCsx, BCsy, PDE}, u(x, y)); exactSol := unapply(rhs(%), x, y)

PDE := diff(u(x, y), x, x)+diff(u(x, y), y, y)-6*x*y*(1-y)-2*x^3; BCs := u(0, y) = 0, u(1, y) = y*(1-y), u(x, 0) = 0, u(x, 1) = 0

I can not integrate the following integral using maple 2016. Please guide me how to do it. I am a new user.

int(12.*x^3*c[2]+6.*x^2*c[1]+x^2*exp(x^3*c[2])*exp(x^2*c[1]), x = 0. .. 1.)


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