
80 Reputation

4 Badges

2 years, 39 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by WA573

How can we determine the highest (or peak) value for every hump and at what value of (x, t) in the plot?


How to find the dispersion relation (3) in Maple? I try it by equating the coefficients of cos(kx + wt) and its derivative to zero, but couldn't find it.



alias(E = E(x, t), P = P(x, t), N = N(x, t), Q = Q(x, t));

E, P, N, Q


d := Matrix([[c*(diff(E, t))+diff(E, x), alpha*P, 0, 0], [N[0]*E, diff(P, t), -sigma[2]*Q[0]*N/N[0], sigma[2]*omega[0]*Q], [0, sigma[1]*sigma[2]*Q[0]*P/N[0], diff(N, t), 0], [0, -omega[0]*P, 0, diff(Q, t)]]) = 0

d := (Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = c*(diff(E(x, t), t))+diff(E(x, t), x), (1, 2) = alpha*P(x, t), (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = N(x, t)[0]*E(x, t), (2, 2) = diff(P(x, t), t), (2, 3) = -sigma[2]*Q(x, t)[0]*N(x, t)/N(x, t)[0], (2, 4) = sigma[2]*omega[0]*Q(x, t), (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = sigma[1]*sigma[2]*Q(x, t)[0]*P(x, t)/N(x, t)[0], (3, 3) = diff(N(x, t), t), (3, 4) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = -omega[0]*P(x, t), (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = diff(Q(x, t), t)})) = 0


re := -c*omega^3-kappa*omega^2+(c*omega[0]*(N[0]^2*sigma[2]+Q[0]^2*sigma[1])/N[0]^2-alpha*N[0])*omega+kappa*omega[0]*(N[0]^2*sigma[2]+Q[0]^2*sigma[1])/N[0]^2 = 0;

-c*omega^3-kappa*omega^2+(c*omega[0]*(Q[0]^2*sigma[1]+N[0]^2*sigma[2])/N[0]^2-alpha*N[0])*omega+kappa*omega[0]*(Q[0]^2*sigma[1]+N[0]^2*sigma[2])/N[0]^2 = 0




Download d_relation.mw

"Warning, unable to evaluate 2 of the 6 functions to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct" How to fix it?


How to draw a phase portrait of (2) same as in the attached figure? I tried it by using dsolve, but couldn't redraw it.  


with(DEtools); with(plots)

alias(phi = phi(xi))



eq := (1/2)*m*(diff(phi, xi))^2+`Φ__∓` = h

(1/2)*m*(diff(phi, xi))^2+`Φ__∓` = h



`Φ__∓` = `&-+`(1-cos(phi))

`Φ__∓` = `&-+`(1-cos(phi))



Download PP.mw

Is it possible to integrate eq (1) in such a way that the final result will be of 1st order differential equation? 





eq := (diff(U(z), z))^3*(diff(U(z), z, z))+(diff(U(z), z))*(diff(U(z), z, z, z, z))-(diff(U(z), z, z))*(diff(U(z), z, z, z)) = 0

(diff(U(z), z))^3*(diff(diff(U(z), z), z))+(diff(U(z), z))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(z), z), z), z), z))-(diff(diff(U(z), z), z))*(diff(diff(diff(U(z), z), z), z)) = 0


eq1 := map(convert, eq, diff); eq2 := map(int, lhs(eq1), z)-C1 = 0

(diff(U(z), z))^3*(diff(diff(U(z), z), z))+(diff(U(z), z))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(z), z), z), z), z))-(diff(diff(U(z), z), z))*(diff(diff(diff(U(z), z), z), z)) = 0


(1/4)*(diff(U(z), z))^4-(diff(diff(U(z), z), z))^2+(diff(diff(diff(U(z), z), z), z))*(diff(U(z), z))-C1 = 0




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