
356 Reputation

9 Badges

17 years, 307 days


Wayne J. Bell AREVA NP, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina

waynebell@carolina.rr.com; wayne.bell@areva.com; wayne.bell@fpl.com

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Wayne


I am trying to plot the normalized stress values for tension and shear and I would like to reverse the range of the abscissa (x-axis) values for one of the stress values.  The normalized stress values I am interested in are calculated by dividing the calculated stress value by the yield stress for the material in question.  For example, a calculated tension stress of 10 ksi in carbon steel (yield stress = 36 ksi) results in a normalized stress value of 10/36 = 0.27.  I am not having any difficulty normalizing the values; however, I do not see where I can reverse the range of the plotted values from high to low.

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind regards,


I am trying to use a worksheet developed by Professor Batista [ritz06.mws] for calculating plate vibration frequencies using the Ritz method, which is available from the Applications directory - Mechanical Engineering folder.  The worksheet was developed using Maple 12 and I am using Maple 11; a careful reading of the file didn't show any commands that were incompatible across the two versions and yet I am not able to solve the worksheet using the default inputs provided in the worksheet.  I have attached a PDF output of the file with the error message.  Any assistance that could be offered would be greatly appreciated.

Please send your response to wayne.bell@fpl.com.

Kind regards,

I am trying to create a 3d plot of a simple function which evenly distributes a force around the end of a pipe as a function of it's angle.  The equation is

fy :=FORCE/(2*Pi*R)*COS(PHI), PHI=0..2*Pi, R = CONSTANT

I would like to create a wire-frame, shaded, cylindrical plot showing the variation in force as a function of the angle phi.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I am trying to integrate a second order diff. equation one step at a time, but the dsolve command takes you directly to the solution, which is the second integration of the original ODE.  Is there a way to sequence the integration one step at a time?

Thank you for your assistance.

The equation is listed below as  Maple input:


Why does the evalb function return 'false' for the following function test?


This function should return true, but does not.  Any comments/corrections would be appreciated.  Thank you for your help.


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